
Monday, 24 October 2011

Opting for O on ABC Wednesday

Just my humble opinion now, but no one should opt out of blogging for O! 

“Oh goodness gracious,” you object, “I have had no opportunity to ogle an osprey.  Nor could I observe a loon or explore the ocean.  I am not too keen on orthology, let alone orthography.  Why am I obligated to contribute?!   Stop being such an ogre!”  

“You are simply obfuscating the issue with those outrĂ© excuses,” I openly opine, “and, moreover,  you are being obdurate in overlooking all the O’s surrounding you!

For every obscure reference like ocarina, there is an overcoat in your closet.  Are you wearing an oxford shirt?  Did you enjoy oatmeal for breakfast?  And just who was that oaf who stole your spot in the parking lot?  Perhaps you are old enough to have seen oleo replace that other spread, butter?   Or young enough to have seen the start of HBO or the Oxygen network?  Certainly you know Our President!

You can look at me orey-eyed -- or out your window at the oak tree.   Put your oar in the water for ABC Wednesday -- outlandish and common choices abound! 
 I’d be much obliged.
And overcome with joy!”

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Newsflash the Letter N

Newsflash: Now is the time to think and make a post for this week's ABC Wednesday.

You may post anything, a letter to your favorite Niece or Nephew, a photo of your pet taking a Nap, a great design on your manicured Nails, your plans for your Neat bedroom or even your favorite Necktie.

At ABC Wednesday, we encourage you to visit your Neighbor's to leave a Nice comment. 

We hope to see your Noteworthy posts in your own Nook of the web.



Tuesday, 11 October 2011


Mrs Nesbitt here MY Merry Mob!

Wonder what M's you will entice us with this week......
Will they be Mystical....
Will you share a Marvellous menu?
A Memory????
A Moan? lol!
Whatever you Manage to share - we will all read with  wonder,
Marvelling at the Marvellous people who make ABC Wednesday what it is today......

all thanks to...YOU!
Yes YOU! The person who is reading this introduction NOW!

Denise Nesbitt ABC Founder and proud Team member

Monday, 3 October 2011

Let Me Introduce the Letter L

L is  filled with lullabies and lollypops, laughter and love.

 L harbors a lammergeier with its lozenge shaped tail.

L  concerns itself with lepidopterists.

L is the place of lobsters and ladybugs.

L is a landscape of lakes and lagoons. 

And of course L encompasses letters and language.

ABC Wednesday Team