
Monday 30 May 2016



by Mrs. Nesbitt

Ronde-Round 18


Hello and good morning, -afternoon, -evening, dear people who all participate is this wonderful photomeme, which is a joy to me, week after week, after week. I’m always curious to what you come up with!

The challenging letter of this week is the and I've chosen the word:  UFO 

Somewhere in my childhood.... about my 8th year or so, my father bought a new television, from that day on, much if not everything (i don't remember, to be honest) one could watch what was on, in colour, wow what a wonder... a large box on a tv-cabinet which showed us wonderful things.

I was not often allowed to watch but my father was a fan of Star Trek, a became that too. (yes i do have a lot inherited from him, not my appearances but in character so much more, but that is not the point here).

Lately the 'old' series have been repeated.
So many years later, approx. 45 years, many things of what they were able in those series, which at that point were beyond anything thought possible, are now 'common'... think of the mobile phones, the internet, travelling to the moon etc.

If asked... 'do you believe in ufo's?' My answer is "yes certainly".
The universe is unmeasurable, so why should we think that we are all alone in it? Our planet, a very small one compared to lots of others... why shouldn't there be a lifeform as well?

I still like scifi-series, not all of them ofcourse, but besides Star Trek (in all its forms), X-files is a very great favorite.
If it is called scifi justly, i don't really know but i also like The Librarians, Warehouse 13, Sanctuary, Haven, Stargate, Dr. Who, and lots more.

Maybe also due to my unmeasurable curiosity i often wish to be able to take a look in those parts of the uiverse.
What about you?
What do you think about other lifeforms in our universe?
Would you like to meet it?
Would you accompany me on a travel in a UFO?

Have a nice ABC-Wednesday-day / - week
♫ M e l o d y ♫ (ABC-W-team)

Monday 23 May 2016

T for Travels and Treachery

After an arduous journey north, over the borders into Scotland.

 We Travelled through the very busy City of Glasgow, we were so tired that we decided to have a stop over at Loch Lomond which was a short drive away.

Main street in Glasgow

Lodge house overlooking the loch.

 O ye'll Take the high road and I'll Take the low road                      And I'll be in Scotland afore ye, 

(Low road) view of(Paddle Steamer on the loch.

(High Road) view overlooking the loch.

After a hearty Scottish breakfast of Bacon and eggs for Dearest and Kippers for me......It was Oh so TASTY ! We TOOTLED around the loch 

on the paddle steamer then stopped on shore to look around the gift shops.


Barbour gents waxed jacket

 As the weather was getting rather cold we decided to buy some warm clothing to keep us warm.

Barbour ladies wax jacket.

 We were so glad to have the jackets as the weather dropped 10 degrees as we travelled  North to The Bridge of Orchy Hotel, a favourite amongst climbers and walkers, and tourists alike. Our new warm winter jackets were a good investment because it really was cold. They were rather expensive but justified the cost and we still have them to this day.

Bridge of Orchy Hotel.

Glorious setting with the river burbling under the bridge, 

TRAVELLING West we arrived at Glencoe which was the scene of the infamous battle of Glencoe  between the Campbells' and MacDonald Clans. There had been an on-going feud between the clans  right down the centuries cumulating in a TREACHEROUS massacre in which 40 MacDonalds' were killed.

Young deer in the glen.

The glen looks so peaceful now after such heinous crimes were committed all those years ago. 

It happened that 130 soldiers were given quarters in the MacDonalds homes in Glencoe for TEN days.

Scottish Piper in the glen.

 In the early hours of a cold winter's morning the soldiers were given orders to rise from their beds and set about the massacre of their hosts. They were ordered to kill all MacDonalds' under 70 and over five years of age. Although only 40 were killed many more escaped to the hills only to die of hunger and exposure.

THERE is a monument to the fallen MacDonalds in the village of Glencoe. 

THANKS to Denise for devising ABCW also to our THOUGHTFUL admin man Roger,  not forgetting

the TEAM  of helpers who help with the visits. Best wishes Di. x




Monday 16 May 2016

Introduction of the letter S

Remember: if you participate with us, please link to and mention us in your post.

 Introduction of the letter S.

The S shape reminds me of a snake.

This is a very dangerous snake in Australia, which is a continent with many kinds of snakes. This one is the Taipan. It's bite is lethal if you are not fast enough to have the wound treated. Actually it is a very shy snake. In the breeding season however it can be very aggressive.

It is no wonder that the indigenous people of Australia believed that the snake

is a sacred creature. 

The Rainbow Serpent or Rainbow Snake is a common deity, often a creator god, in the mythology and a common motif in the art of Aboriginal Australia.

Painted by Sakshi Anmatyerre

Painted by Sakshi Anmatyerre

Painted by Sakshi Anmatyerre

Painted by Sakshi Anmatyerre

Painted by Sakshi Anmatyerre

In Cooktown near  the Endeavour River we find a beautiful work of art created by the local people of Cooktown and the Aboriginal compound Hopevale. It's called the Milbi Wall, which means Wall of Stories.

It has the shape of a snake and consists of three parts representing :

1  The dreamtime.

2 The first encounter of people from other continents, like Captain Cook from Europe and lateron Chinese golddiggers.

3 The present

On this wall the artists have depicted the Aboriginal legends, tales and historical events.

From the Milbi Wall Story:

To acknowledge the significance of the first known European contact with the Aboriginal people of the area, Cook Shire Council decided, as a reconciliation project, to have a Memorial to tell from an Aboriginal point of view.


Cook Shire Council invited local Aboriginal people to tell their story in ceramic tiles and build a Story (Milbi) Wall right at the spot where, in 1770, Captain James Cook and his crew first set foot.
Milbi is the Guugu Yimithirr (local Aboriginal language) word for story.

The Milbi Wall was developed by a group of local Aboriginal artists and storytellers, with assistance from a well-known potter and the Gungarde Aboriginal Corporation.

Monday 9 May 2016

R is for RUSH

Hi everyone and welcome to R week here at ABC Wednesday!  Here it is the eve of R week, and poor Roger had to message me to remind me I'm up for the intro this week.  Yikes!  So sorry to Roger for making him feel restless about whether or not his right-hand gal is going to ruin the week! So here I am rushing to figure out what to write about....oh rightRushing!!! 

I had a really busy week last week and when I checked my calendar on the weekend, it looked like it'd be an easier week coming up.  But...wouldn't you know it!  The calendar is filling up - resplendent with appointments not only with students, but also with my lawyer, massage therapist, and hairdresser.  To top it off, my student didn't even show up today after I'd centered my entire day around her time!  Grrr...

Well, I guess we all have these weeks, but I would like to remind everyone that even if it's a busy time, we need to be ready and resolute in doing our ABC Wednesday blog.  Everyone looks forward to everyone else's contribution and we wouldn't want to be the cause of ruining someone's week! I know that I read almost all of the contributions every week, but do look forward to certain people's revelations

So to make the introductory page a bit more ravishing and radiant, here are a few shots of the rhododendrons that are currently in bloom in the gardens here where I reside.
We even have roses starting to bud and bloom! These pretty pink ones are just outside my patio.
Have a radical week, everyone!  Who's up for S???  Ah, yes, it's Wil and apparently she's already done me a another moment of remorse!  Must run and get on to do my own post, now!

Monday 2 May 2016


abc18melodyABC-Wednesday ~ by Mrs. Nesbitt -
Round 18 - Q

Hello and good morning, -afternoon, -evening, dear people who all participate is this wonderful photomeme, which is a joy to me, week after week, after week.

I’m always curious to what you come up with!

 The challenging letter of this week is the and I've chosen the word: Query

 My turn again to write an intro.
Something I think often about and in which I find very much joy to be honest!

Today I chose for the letter Q the word Query and I truly hope that you all will do me a very great favor in going along with me in this and answer the 5 questions in my query for you:

1) In which country do you live?
2) Are you male or female?
3) How did you learn about ABC-Wednesday?
4) What do you like the most about ABC-Wednesday?
5) a) if you, at this moment, are not:
Would you  like to become a team member of ABC-Wednesday?
b) If you, at this moment, are:
Why did you decide to become a team member of ABC-Wednesday?

 I am very much looking forward to your answers!!

 Have a nice ABC-Wednesday-day / - week
♫ M e l o d y ♫ (ABC-W-team)

Hallo en goede-morgen / - middag / - avond beste deelnemers in deze mooi foto-uitdaging, waar ik week na week na week iedere keer weer veel plezier beleef.

Altijd weer heel benieuwd naar waar jullie mee zullen gaan komen.

 De uitdagende letter van deze week is de Q en ik koos voor het woord Query-vragenlijst.

Mijn beurt weer om een intro te schrijven, iets waar ik veelvuldig aan, en over na, denk. 'Gewoon' omdat ik het zo leuk vind!

Vandaag koos ik voor de letter Q het woord Query-vragenlijst.

Ik hoop oprecht dat jullie hierin met mij mee willen gaan en de 5 vragen in mijn vragenlijst willen beantwoorden.

1) In welk land leef je?
2) Ben je man of vrouw?
3) Hoe kwam jij in aanraking met ABC-Wednesday?
4) Wat vind jij het mooist aan ABC-Wednesday?
5) a) als je het op dit moment niet bent:
Zou jij teamlid van ABC-Wednesday willen worden?
 b) als je het op dit moment wel bent:
Waarom werd jij teamlid van ABC-Wednesday?

 Ik kijk halsreikend naar jouw antwoorden uit!!

 Wens je een fijne ABC-Wednesday-dag / - week.

 ♫ M e l o d y ♫ (ABC-W-team)
