
Monday, 21 November 2016

T is for...


Ten years!!!

That's how long this blog has been around.  I joined at about the halfway point and it's been an interesting ride.

Anyone here who has been here since round one?

I'd love to see some of your early posts and hear how you feel the blog has evolved.

It's time to unveil the badge for round 20, our final round and I have to say this was one of the Toughest for me to do.

I knew what I wanted to do.  But I kept putting it off.

I believed that if I procrastinated long enough it would change the inevitable result.  But that never works, so with encouragement from Roger, I completed the final badge.

I only wish we had actual shirts.

So T is for T-shirt and for farewell Tour.

But mostly T is for Thank You to each of you who has stayed with us.

ABC Wednesday 19T

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. I can't bear the thought of no abcw, how can I keep in touch with all the friends I've made?
    Best wishes to all
    abcw. team xxx

  2. Great idea for the final badge, the farewell tour. Going to my archives to see when I first joined in. I know I had time in the middle that I didn't participate.

  3. thank you Troy for all the lovely intro's you've created.... and I hope that 20 will not be a farewelltour.

  4. Thanks for all the icons you've designed for us, Troy, and for the intros you've written. Although I hate to see abcw end (in this form) I'm hoping someone will pick up the reins and perhaps redesign it so the idea can continue. I started in Round 2, letter B, and have only missed a few weeks over the years. I love how I can incorporate my love of writing with my hobby of photography. I hope my posts have entertained others and also hope to "see" these good virtual friends in another format soon!

  5. Sorry comments:( I hate goodbyes:(

  6. I believe I've been with ABC for at least 3 years, but have become close to several of the sponsors through our blog posts and comments. It's going to be hard saying goodbye. Blessings!

  7. Oh, so sorry to see you go....I've been with you around 5 years, I think.... :(

  8. I've been here only a few years and have loved it . Can't believe there will only be one more round. sniff sniff.
    Lovely badge!

  9. I follow certainly since 9 years ! Don't remember exactly but I started blogging just 10 years ago !

  10. Terrific Ten, thank you!
    My "T" is for TOWNSVILLE, Australia

  11. Thank you for your top-notch hosting.
    "T" stands for TRAVEL and the TRAVEL TUESDAY meme.

  12. And another "T" from me: TINOS Island, Greece

  13. T is for TRIPLET FALLS in Victoria, Australia

  14. And where would we be without TREES for T?

  15. Norma Ruttan asked me to pass her comment on to you for some reason her comments on ABC Wednesday don't post. Can you pass my comment along to their site? Here it is- "Hoping that this comment posts. I'm happy that we have one more round, but sad that it will end. Thanks to Mrs. Nesbitt and all the team players."

  16. Your final design is a beauty. Thank you!

  17. Thank you for hosting this link up for so long. I joined a while ago but lately have not been very regular. Sad that 2017 will be the last round :(
