
Tuesday, 3 April 2012


Today it's my turn for the ABC Wednesday introduction

Instead copying letters starting with L which you can easily find with Mr. Google's help, I rather answer the questionary from our lovely Lady Denise :

- What utterly impractical or useless skill do you possess that most people do not ? I can fold my thumb until my wrist !

- If someone were to play you in the movie of your life, which actor would that be ? at least 6 actors, as baby, toddler, little girl, teenager, woman and grandma ! Who could do that ?? Any suggestions ?

- What piece of music do you most identify with? Perhaps, it's your theme song. "The show must go on" !

- What food would you most like to have if nutrition and calories were not an issue ? No problem with calories, I love mussels.

- What is your most favorite sound : the rustling of bank notes,

- and least favorite sound ? The sound when I step on the tail of my cat

- Top 3 people (dead or alive) would you invite to dinner? What would the main course be ? I only would invite dead people they don't eat anymore.

Have fun with the letter L


  1. Great introduction Gattina - loved the sound of the bank notes response! One of my favourite sounds too - and the feel of the crispness of the notes against my skin! Oooooooooooh the mere thought of it! lol! For the sake of my reputation I will stop there! People will talk!
    Thanks again - always nice to get to know people and realise we are all normal! (comments approaching - I can feel it in my water! lol)
    Denise xx

  2. Fun intro. I laughed out loud at the last one where you'd only have dead people that don't eat anymore.

  3. I enjoyed your questionaire, and your answers. Lots to ponder and I'm thinking about what I would say.
    Love is the best L word there is.

    1. Very funny! You have a great sense of humour, Gattina!

  4. LOLing at your responses! Lots of laughter leads to longer lives.

  5. Great meme and introduction for the letter L. I look forward to all of this week's visitS.

  6. Mussels are a favourite in this house, too!

  7. Lovely Post. am sure we are gonna have a Lot of entries this time :)


  8. Hello Gattina.
    Love...right up my street too! Fun introduction.
    Have a nice week everyone!

    Like A Lotus...

  9. Great answers to great questions. I thought I might like to answer those questions too, but it would take me too long to make up my mind about some of them. The bad sound is a good one. I'd have to agree with you on that. It always makes me feel so guilty.

  10. Great answers to great questions. I thought I might like to answer those questions too, but it would take me too long to make up my mind about some of them. The bad sound is a good one. I'd have to agree with you on that. It always makes me feel so guilty.

  11. Hi Gattina, great introduction. I had to LOL at your funny answers. :)

  12. The 'rustling of bank notes' yeah yeah yeah LOVE it! :D

  13. Some interstin posts and questions. Iwould definteluy have a wide range and unusual choice of actors to play my life through generations, as people who know me very well will realise!

    Chrissy from Manchester: a photo a day at Mancunian Wave

  14. Cute comic and great post!

    Happy Wednesday!

  15. Thank you Gattina, I love your blog. Thank you Denise also. :-)

  16. Loving your post! Sweetness.

  17. "The rustling of bank notes." Love it!

  18. Glad to be joining in again this week.

  19. Loved your post and "LoL"ed too.

    Love is right up my alley too.
