
Monday 11 June 2012

V is for VISION

Never take your vision for granted.  Without vision, we would miss the beauty of all life around us.  Take a vacation, vanish from your office, grow a vegetable garden or be a visitor at the Vatican.  Pop in at a vending machine to buy a nice cold drink and enjoy it while sitting on your veranda,  Turn up the volume and vibrate to the sounds violinsVisit a vineyard, pick wild violets, or play beach volleyball.  You could even vow to volunteer somewhere over the velvet summer.  Without your vision, it would be awfully difficult to do any of this. I loVe to find a bit of nature and simply reVel in it.  Here's a sampling of one of my favourite spots.  Be sure to turn up your volume and enjoy it with your vision. I hope you agree with me that we live in a wonderful world. 

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  1. Your VERY special corner of the world is lovely! Glad I could use my VISION to enjoy it!!!

    1. I'll second this!!! What a joy that was to VISIT a day in your world!! Thank you SO much!!

    2. "V," acation is my "V," word!! Thanks again!!

  2. I enjoyed reading your V post and the video just shed a tear to my eye because of the music. I love watching your picture slides, beautiful place you have.


    I expected to post an illustration, so I hope I'm doing the right thing by giving a URL.

  4. I don't know if you're going to post a linky later on, but I have my V up.

  5. Thankyou Leslie for sharing your vision - so relaxing and love your pictures - Jane x

  6. Oh Leslie, how beautiful! Your vision is absolutely the most beautiful slide I have seen lately! The surroundings of your beautiful house are beyond any "vision"I had!
    My entry is about Via Dolorosa, as I will still write about Israel till October.

  7. Oh Leslie, how wonderful. You filled my heart with warmth and glory from song to vision - thank you for this VIBRANT VIRTUAL VACATION - which was much needed and will be revisited again soon. Have a great week.

  8. Yes, Leslie, vision is a sense that I appreciate and think about a lot, since there were issues with my eyes as a child. What a great verification of the many pleasures are sight allows us.

  9. Oh my that was just stunning.....what a great way to start my morning...That was a masterpiece...thanks for sharing a visiion of lovliness.

  10. Very nice to get a view into your world, Leslie.

  11. Fantastic V post. I loved the video. The wildflower fields in particular made me smile.

  12. Believe it or not, I live in the City of Vision! Sometimes, though, we get shortsighted...
    What a great post! Great Video too!

  13. Here's to you, Leslie! A tremendous intro.

  14. 'Veautiful' V post! I so love the final picture on the video. And I agree that we live in a wonderful world. I like living in it.

  15. Dear Leslie,
    WoW! Great video! We do indeed live in a wonderful world...all we need do is open our eyes a little more to see it. Thanks for sharing your little nook with us. Awesome intro!

    Now have a real good look at your nook of the world and listen to the Voice In The Wind.
    Have a wonderful week everyone!

  16. Vision is really important. Thanks for the wonderful lists of Vs Leslie!

  17. Loved creating my V post today. Thanks for the push!

  18. Oh, so true. I've been having vision problems for years, but so far they've been correctable by surgery. One of my best friends, however, just went blind in one eye because of a blockage in the blood vessel to the eye, inoperable.
    You're so right about vision.

  19. Verily validated, vociferously...

  20. Indeed - our world is most beautiful and appreciating our vision to view it is often overlooked.

    Happy Wednesday!!

  21. Well, i am back again, Leslie, having now watched your beautiful video all the way through. So nice to see your warm smile at the start, and "What a Wonderful World" was just perfect! I am curious to know who was playing the clarinet. The style was just right to complement the tranquil images! Finally, i do want to VERIFY that I understand the difference between "are" and "our" - I can VOUCH for that :)

  22. Your smilebox Visions are a Virtual feast for the eyes - wonderful indeed!!!

  23. Thanks for hosting and for sharing the lovely smilebox!

  24. We sure do live in a beautiful world.
    And so life should be La Vie En Rose

  25. TY for your visit. Truer words never spoken. Lovely presentation.
    TTFN ~
    Happy Pinky weekend ~
