
Tuesday 31 July 2012

C is for CATS !


For those who don't know my username "Gattina" means "Kitten" in Italian. It also means "Chat" in French. In Art school they called me Madame Chat, which means Mrs. Cat, but it can be quite confusing, as English speaking people think that I am a chatter box. Bad tongues pretend that they are right. So as I am a cat fan I just wanted to explain who don't know what living with a cat means :

There is no snooze button on a cat who wants breakfast. (even at 4 am)
Thousands of years ago, cats were worshipped as gods.
Cats have never forgotten this.
Cats are smarter than dogs. You can't get eight cats to pull a sled through snow.
In a cat's eye, all things belong to cats.
As every cat owner knows, nobody owns a cat.




  1. Great information about cats! We've always been dog-owners but still appreciated the special qualities of independent cats!

  2. How cool that your name means Cat and that you are such a lover of cats.

  3. Hi Gattina! You are absolutely right about the regal attitude of the cat. Whereas a dog has a master, a cat has a staff! But they are just as happy when you come home as a dog is!

  4. Favorite cat joke:

    What do you call the cat that was caught by the police? The purrpatrator.

    Loved your post,

    Chris H
    ABC Wednesday
    C is for Chirality

  5. LOL!!! Great opening meme, and even though I am highly allergic to cats there is just something about them!!! Have a great week and thanks for hosting.

  6. Regarding Rule 2, I often find with my cats that *I* am the softest place to sleep! My entry this week is about my nostalgia for a place I'd never been. Culmen ’79.

  7. So clever. I am one of the fortunate people owned by my cat.

  8. Oh so true! All of it! They own you-you don't own them!

  9. This post is the cat's pajamas! (How old AM I?)

  10. As a cat lover myself I really enjoyed this and it's all so true!

  11. Hello all.
    LOL...Gattina, my wife will agree with everything you've said...she's a cat lover too! Wonderful intro. Have a great week everyone!

  12. A fine choice for today's letter, Gattina! And I love your cat rules...mine could have written them

  13. That's why I don't have cats...or dogs! To a child you can at least say, "Grow up!"

  14. Cats have a way of melting your heart to love them, while dogs beg for it. I love cats but i was nicknamed meoww because i used to carry a cat shaped bag to school :)

  15. Most definitely brings lots of 'creativity' across the shores ~ thanks for hosting ~ glad to be part of this wonderful blog ~ thanks, namaste, (A Creative Harbor)

  16. I have grandcat, she ignores me. Thanks for all you do. Today is my first ABC.

  17. I didn't know that your user name meant 'kitten' Gattina! Can I just make a slight amendment to Cat Rule number 2? You may choose the second softest place to sleep but then the cat will want that as well and you'll have to make do with whatever is left :O)

  18. Never had a cat, I love dogs. But I enjoyed your post.

  19. I am more fond of dogs but dont really mind cats. After the movie Mummy I stil consider them guardians of the underworld !!


  20. So true are those rules you posted!

    Happy Wednesday!

  21. I love all Critters and birds, but have to admit, even though my own companion is a dog, that Cats rule. That said, I have always thought that Black Jack, my present dog, is perhaps about one quarter cat. Does that give her special status?

  22. Hello Gattina. I did not know the meanings of your blog name before...very interesting. Being a cat lover also, I can only agree wholeheartedly with your post today!

  23. Hi, I am following you now and would like to join in on the action. If you would like to follow me as well, my blog is

  24. Thanks for explaining about your pen name Gattina. :)
