
Monday 15 July 2013

A is for Alpha

In the beginning, or some time thereafter, DARPA created the Internet. Now the Internet was not formless and empty, but there WAS a lot of darkness over many of the sites therein.

And Denise Nesbitt said, "Let there be ABC Wednesday,” and there was ABC Wednesday. Visitors from all over the world saw that ABC Wednesday was good, that it attempted to avoid the darkness.

And Denise said, “Let there be simple rules and guidelines about people participating with ABC Wednesday linking to ABC Wednesday, following the alphabetical theme for the week, and visiting others." And it was so. Denise saw that it was good.

But Denise said, "It is not good for me to do this all of this organizing and visiting alone. I should seek out helpers, a team to share responsibility for these visits." And it was so.

Now, the ABC Wednesday meme is starting its lucky 13th round, starting with the letter A, and you are invited, not only to contribute to ABC Wednesday, but, if it would please you, to visit others, and even scribe some of these introductory essays.


  1. AWESOME introduction to the 13th Round of ABCW!!!

  2. Looking forward to getting back to ABC-ing, Roger. I've missed it.

  3. Being a lover of the Word of God, the Bible, I thought this was a darling and unique way to introduce Round 13! I was gone for a long time this summer when our new grandchild was born in OR. But I'm back, and in my normal routine, and so happy to participate this in this Round.

  4. Out of the desert came Roger. In American the meaning of the name Roger is Famous fighter and he fought for ABC Wednesday's integrity on his journey. All around him were blessed and sang happy praises for they were in his team! lol!

  5. We are, you are, I am blogger.We came from all the countries of the earth.Happy blogging.
    Wil, ABCW Team

  6. Love the intro and the new logo for round 13. Looking forward to another great round of fun.

  7. Thou has opened my eyes to the world of ABC WEDNESDAY, true manna from heaven. After being healed by your encouraging homilies thy followers shall rise up, receive thou blessings and travel across the barren deserts that lead us to the top of the blogger mountains. Blessed are those who turn each wayward post into messages of hope and love. . .all this without the aid of water or wine.

  8. AWESOME!!!! Looking forward to lucky 13!!!! With special thanks and APPRECIATION to the ALL-might ABC team.

  9. what a fun story for beginning the new round of ABC Wednesday! I love the bright colors in the new icon!

  10. Zooming back in again and straight into the 13th round!! Love it here!!

  11. Fun introduction to the letter A.

  12. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee a new season starts again !!


  13. Great introduction to the new round!

  14. The header says 11, not 13! I'll go back and change it in my post. This round I'm committing to A-Z Education for Greensboro, North Carolina's ABC Wednesday. Thank you for giving us this forum. I'm with Lotusleaf, loved your introduction to the new round. Here's to another great series!


  15. Greensboro- which means it was probably wrong the entirety of Round 12! Thanks, fixed.

  16. I'm back at ABC. A+ for Alpha.
