
Monday, 16 June 2014

Introducing W

When I was a child I was always teased because of my name : Wil(helmina) Wouters.Often I was asked, when I said my name, : "Wie weet waar Willy Wouters woont?", meaning

                                                   Who knows where Willy Wouters lives?.

Well that was not funny, but   ...thinking of it, I must admit, that it was actually not bad at all.

I mean it was like introducing a letter that doesn't exist in many languages and hasn't got a proper name: in English it is double u(uu) , in French it is double v(vv), in Spanish also, and in Italian probably the same, in the Scandinavian languages it is the initial letter of loanwords or.. doesn't appear at all in the dictionaries. In my language and in German it is a proper and independant letter and pronounced as W. So here I am trying to introduce this weird letter


Windmills  in a wet country

I live in a very wet country, where the wind is strong, therefore we have windmills and sailing boats.



There is a lot of water and if we are fortunate enough, it freezes in winter so that the skating fans can go out on the frozen waters of the waterways.



 Worse luck! Guess what! We have no real winters any more, even if we are ready for it with warm woollen wrappings and hot wine.

 With thanks to Denise Nesbitt, who created ABC.For more interesting ABC posts click on the logo in the sidebar. This week we are looking for words beginning with W.



  1. This woman from Western Washington enjoyed all your W whimsy!

  2. Wow Wonderful Will...


  3. Wonderful intro Wil! Thank you for hosting:)

  4. Windmills remind me of Don Quixote. aWesome, Wil.

  5. Wonderful post Wil especially the windmill and people skating on the dykes captures my imagination as I always wanted to go to Holland as a child. You see there was a school trip there but my parents just couldn't afford it I had a scrapbook with a big Windwill on the front and pictures of the skaters in the winter, also the Tulip fields,
    Best wishes,

  6. Great intro - love your photos! I loved seeing the windmills in the Netherlands - oh and the wind - my goodness it was so strong on the North Sea I thought it would take me away! Warm wishes to you Wil.

  7. Great intro! By the way, the letter "w" is part of the Real Academia EspaƱola's (Royal Spanish Academy) alphabet. However, it is called a "double v," and it is only used for foreign words which have no Spanish substitute. Blessings!

  8. I don't have an ABC Wed. post this week but I wanted to let you know how much I love this introduction and great shots.

  9. Wandering Wren is wildly happy to find your wonderful W introd & linky this week!
    Thank you & hopefully we are still friends after tomorrows match!
    Wren x

  10. That's quite a wonderfully WOW intro :)

  11. Wilhelmina, like the Queen !

  12. Wel done, Wil! From me, lots of water, waterfowl and wild birds! :-)

  13. What a wonderful post! My husband was born in Holland and immigrated to Canada with his family when he was nine years old. He remembers skating on the canals. We had a lovely holiday there a couple years ago and your photos evoked many delightful memories. Thank you.

  14. The Linky appears to be down! Trying to figuring it out...

  15. Or it's perhaps just down for me...

  16. Well done, Wil! Way to go.

  17. Wonderful Writing Wil! Ice skating in the waterways sounds like a lots of fun!

  18. Such a nice intro! And great pics!
