
Monday, 6 July 2015

Z is for ZOUNDS!

Always liked the word zounds; I like how it sounds. It is a mild oath indicating surprise, indignation, etc. It sounds very Shakespearean, and indeed, it does reportedly show up in Henry IV Part 1. Its first know use was in 1592, so the timing is right.

You may respond with that mild oath when I say that, as the cliché goes, all good things must come to an end. Denise, the doyenne of ABC Wednesday, and I have decided that ABC Wednesday should conclude, for a variety of reasons.

Now, the good news is that it won't take place until the end of Round 20, or four more trips through the alphabet.

We have discovered along this path that there are folks who participate in a round, then drop out for a bit. Others start a round, but don't complete it. I think we should take this as an opportunity to invite those folks to participate once again.

Or maybe you have friends who have THOUGHT about trying ABC Wednesday but have not. THIS would be a good time to start.

I thought to invite previous participants directly in a mass mailing - we have the emails from the Linky - but frankly, we'd rather that YOU invite some of your online friends, letting them know that we'll be doing this only another two years.

Not incidentally, we have hornswoggled Troy, who has done several of them to date, to create badges for rounds 18 and 20, and Gattina for Round 19. Here's the badge for Round 17:

We hope you'll stick around, invite friends and neighbors. If you want to join the team in visiting folks and/or writing the zephyr-like words of wisdom, please let me know at rogerogreen (at) gmail (dot) com.


  1. I'm glad to hear ABC WEDNESDAY is not stopping now. I know there are times that I just plain forget, other times I find a letter too difficult to pair with one of my photos. I'll consider skipping the worry about using my own photo. Goodness knows there are plenty of free photos on the internet. Thanks for giving us a heads up.

  2. Thanks for the ABC, it was always a fun to play with.
    I'm from Germany, have played with Engilsh words, can I play next round with German words? Of course, will traslate them.
    Looking forward to A... greetings from Germany

  3. Mascha =- ABSOLUTELY yes! We want people to follow the theme, but give wide latitude in what that means.

    1. Thanks :-)
      I will make a little picture-dictionary of German language. A is for" Anfang", that means beginning...

  4. Zounds is a great word, but I wonder how it could be illustrated with a photo.
    I'm working on my ABC Wednesday post now. Should have it posted soon ...... well, surely by Wednesday!

  5. Have always loved that word as well! It has been an amazing journey this round - had a lot of creative fun. I'm taking a breatk for a bit but will join in in August. Thanks for continuing and for providing this fun creative outlet.

  6. Zounds! I'm so glad I stopped in! and right at the end/beginning of a round! While I'm sad to hear that you are concluding, I am happy that there will be more time to participate before you go. hope all is well ~

  7. Thanks Roger for your dedication to the meme. Looking forward to the next round!!! Yours was an excellent post!

  8. Zounds great. Thanks for hosting.

  9. Thanks for hosting!
    My "Z" stands for Zakynthos Island in Greece

  10. All good things must eventually come an end. Isn't that how the saying goes. It must've been a tough decision. I appreciate you and Di deciding not to end it right away. 20 is a good number to end on. Onward we go. :-)
