
Monday, 7 March 2016

I = I

ABC-Wednesday by Mrs. Nesbitt - Round 18 I

Hello and good morning, -afternoon, -evening, dear people who all participate is this wonderful photomeme, which is a joy to me, week after week, after week. I’m always curious to what you come up with!

The challenging letter of this week is the I and i've chosen the word:

This is my 4th time to post an entry for the letter I.
Not that long a member of all of you... and even shorter then that a member of the team behind ABC-Wednesday, of which I am very proud, if i may say so, "thank you" to WIL, who invited me to join the team. Let me introduce myself to you...

I am, obviously, a woman.
At this moment in time i am 53 years old and married for 32 years, since last December 9th.
Yes I married young, never regretted that. After somewhat more then a year our daughter was born in January 1985, followed by her brothers in November 1990 of which one Thank-God, survived the horrific pregnancy after loosing 3 children earlier. Having had, still do, to deal with multiple health-issues since i was 10, I've learned to cherish life every waking second as conscious and intense as possible. Here that saddest part of my story ends.  I just mention it because its part of who i am.

For the greater part of my working-life I've worked in a bank. Before that I've worked in greenery's and restaurants. And after that, still now, i am working as a volunteer with the 'needing' people in our community and that is the most rewarding job one could ever have, so fulfilling! Also, for many years, i've worked as a volunteer for Animal-protection services.

I am the proud 'mum' of two dogs and a cat. I love to write stories, poems and other writings for blog-related memes. I am as well a hobby-photographer, love to go out to zoos and art galleries and of course, not in the latest, outdoors somewhere in nature to take lots of shots which i will cherish along side my memories of all those outings.
Although i rarely attent church these days, i am a christian and i try to live by the christian standards and do the best i can for all around me and myself.
Another important part of me is music, obviously again, I've played several instruments in several bands, I've sung for many years in a choir and solo as well and I've danced for many years too. So I absolutely love theatre-visits now i am no longer able to do each of those things anymore.

Long story short...
I love ABC- Wednesday and i truly hope that you enjoy it as much as I do every week. To welcome visitors from all over the world, to read that they want to tell 'me' in their own entries as well in their comments, i am always looking forward to each and everyone of you, on the ABC-Wednesday-blog as well as on mine.

So...welcome ..and feel free to say what you want to tell me...
or ask the questions you might have.

Have a nice ABC-day / - week ~ ♫ M e l o d y ♫ (ABC-W-team)




  1. Thanks for your enthusiasm and dedication for whatever you do.Thanks for telling your life story.

    1. ;-) .... i am (or at least always try to be) one of those people that who choose to do something, do it all the way as best as i can... its all or nothing ;-)

  2. Lovely photo of you, Melody and glad, that I meet you here.
    Maybe we meet in real once in Germany?

    1. Thank you Mascha ! Me too...always nice to meet 'new' bloggers !

      Yes that sure would be fun, i hope to arrange it all comming spring or fall, depends on the workinghours of my daughter in law ...i'll keep you posted, like i promised before.

  3. It's nice to meet you Melody, love your name tag when you visit my site, always looks so cheerful. Have a wonderful day.

  4. Hi Linda, totaly likewise!

    Thank you, i write my name always that way ;-)

  5. I always look forward to your cheerful posts, Melody, but am sorry that you suffered in youth. I, too, have been through lots in my life, but I figure what doesn't kill me will make me stronger. Looks like you live with the same philosophy.


    1. Thank you Leslie, heartwarming!

      Yes i sure do !!! Life is worth it !! ;-)

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you Pat-Mather Brown Gordon-ceton!

  7. Nice to know our blogfriends a bit more !

  8. Very nice to know more about you!

    1. Thank you Lea... i do like to know more about the participants too, a fun part of a meme like this.

  9. I agree with Lea—it's nice to meet you, Melody!

  10. Lovely to read about you, Melody. A wonderful "I-ntroduction"!
    My "I" stands for INDIA!

    1. Thank you Nick, i will visit you asap ofcourse

  11. Nice post, Melody! I go to ITALY today to visit ISOLA BELLA, a tiny ISLET in Sicily.

    1. Thank you Nick (again ;-) ) i will come and take a look

  12. And my last "I" is for IVANHOE. Thanks, Melody.

    1. I've already noticed ;-)

      You're very welcome Nick.

  13. So nice to learn more about you. (((HUGS)))

    1. thank you Freda... your hugs are heartwarming, so sweet, thank you. {big hug back}

  14. Beautiful bouguet, Melody. Great to be able to have had this wedding anniversary!

    1. Thank you Jeannette... we think so too... not every couple reaches it...

  15. powerful one.

  16. Thanks for sharing your interesting and inspiring story, Melody. You did and do so much in life.
    I send you a big shalom (hello) and lots of shalom (peace) from the Negev desert in Israel. :)

    1. You're welome Dina ! And yes i try to keep busy, but not to so it stays pleasant.

      Thank you very much... wishing you all the best back from The Netherlands, no deserts here, except the copied ones in the zoos ;-)

  17. Hello Melody. I've enjoyed knowing a bit more about you. Thank you for sharing! :-)

    1. Hi there Su-sieeee.... thank you, you're welcome ;-)

  18. Wonderful to meet you here, Melody. Glad to be a part of our ABC family :)
    Thanks for enriching my posts with your peppy comments!

    1. Hello Anita, likewise, me too... love to have you on board ;-)

      You are welcome. I love to visit every participant and always try to leave as good an appropriate comment. Thank you for your comment on that!

  19. Hi Melody - It's nice to know more about you. - Margy

    1. Hi Margy. Nice to read you've enjoyd this post, likewise !

  20. Thanks for sharing your life. Nice to get to know about you and lovely pic Melody.

    1. Your welcome Suzy, likewise ofcourse.
      I've just visited you on your blog, you will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  21. Thanks for sharing your story Melody! I can relate to the bit about health problems and the resulting enthusiasm for living life to the fullest. Also, the dance, music, volunteering! :) Of course I am not able to do all of these as much as would love too, but hope to get there slowly :)

    Cheers! Have a good day!!
    -Priya []

    1. You're welcome Priya...

      I know how that feels... just one step at the time,doing the best you can... is enough..
      Accepting is the first step what one can and can't. Once at the second step things get easier and more beautiful.

      Thank you, likewise.
