T is for a tall tyrannosaurus tumbling on a trampoline while sipping tea.
T is for giving thanks.
T is the letter for Today.
From trials and tribulations to triumphs and treasures, our lives are filled with both good and bad things that start with T.
So what T's were a part your life today?
Did you travel to another town?
Take a picture of a turtle with a telephone?
Make a trip to the Emergency room at Two AM?
Tie a line on your fishing pole?
Take a nap?
See a wild turkey and try to talk to it, using a turkey call ?
Get your truck muddy?
Tie down a tarp?
Trip a breaker?
Take a Toddler to Task?
Those are all things I have done in the last Twenty-four hours. (I took the picture with my telephone, it wasn't a turtle with a telephone.)
I wonder what Tomorrow will bring?
Only Time will Tell...