
Tuesday 9 October 2012

M for mmmm....

Mmmm.(1).. What shall I write about the letter M? Actually the M is a very popular letter and therefore often used as the initial letter in names. Mamma, mum, mom is the first a baby says before it can speak. If somebody speaks inaudible, he mumbles. Everybody can mumble. Mmm(2)... is also used if some food is delicious, and everybody understands what it means. There is a third possibility if someone says mmmm.... When I don't agree with somebody and I don't want to say: "Sorry I disagree with you', I start saying: mmmm.(3)..with a slightly pensive look. And the other person knows that I am of another opinion. In this case my voice starts in a high tone, then it is going down.

So the letter M is very important. It depends on the way you look, the intonation and the speed you say it with. My first mmmm... is very slowly and softly pronounced, also with a pensive look in my eyes. The second  mmmm.. is pronounced with enthusiasm and with a happy look on my face, and a lot louder than with the other  mmmm....'s!

The third mmmmm... is pronounced with a sort of  shorter sound and not as loud as the second one but loud enough to draw the attention. You can add some shaking of your head, but don't forget the pensive look!!! Conclusion: With  mmmm... you can show all kind of emotions, you don't need a foreign language to express yourself. Good luck with the letter M.

 By signing in to ABC Wednesday you acknowledge, that you have read the rules and agree to follow them. Don't forget to thank Mrs. Denise Nesbitt. She created this meme years ago! And don't forget to thank Roger as well!


  1. don't say?! I guess I'll have to think about it or ask my muse for more help as I contemplate your musing. Mmmmm.

  2. Mmmm... maybe I should watch myself some Dance Moms?

  3. You did a great job explaining the different types of mmmmm. I use them a lot myself.

  4. Thank you Kate, Spectra...Mmmm? and Carver! Mmmm what can I say??

  5. Mulling over "M" makes me merry!!! A good week to you all and thanks for hosting.

  6. Reader Wil - Marvellous introduction? What's that? Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! lol!

  7. Pensive look--got it! Thanks for the analysis, Wil.
    And thanks to Mrs. Nesbitt and Roger for keeping the MEME going strong.

  8. mmhm..Lovely analysis...thanks for hosting♫♪

  9. Fun and informative post ~ thanks for hosting ~ (A Creative Harbor)

  10. Thank you Mrs Nesbitt and Roger for the marvelous job you do with this meme!!

  11. ha! love it...thanks Mrs. Nesbitt and Roger!

  12. I am here too this week, and honestly this is so much fun!

  13. Hi,
    Thank you for visiting us on "Les Fous du Cap" and to have left a few words ;-)
    CĂ©line & Philippe

  14. Found Ms for my post! Great intro :)
