
Tuesday 16 October 2012

N is for Nobody But YOU

There was this song called Nobody But Me, originally written and recorded by the Isley Brothers back in 1962, that was a #8 hit in 1968 for a group called the Human Beinz. After a bunch of the word "No", we discover that:

Nobody can do
The shing-a-ling
Like I do

And the singer goes through a bunch of dances - the skate, the boo-ga-loo, the Philly - at which he excels.

You might have heard it:

Well, I wanted to turn that on its head a bit:

No no no no no no no no no
No no no no no no no no
No no no no no no no no
No no no no no

Nobody can do a blog post like you do
Nobody can take a photo like you do
Nobody can write a poem like you do
Nobody can make an essay like I do

Well don't you know you write
You doin', ain't nobody doin'
But you, people
Nobody but you

Yes you're gonna snap
You're doin', ain't nobody doin'
But you, people
Nobody but you

OK, it's NOT poetry. But it's well-meaning...


  1. Love the song and our new ABCWEDnesday theme song!

    Great meme opening. Have a great week.

  2. Well, you've got my day off to a very gung ho start!

  3. Let's hear it for Roger, our nutty lyricist! lol

  4. No is a very important word. I remember a song called " no, John" in which a father tells his daughter to keep saying " No" to her sweetheart whatever he asks her. Of course it has a happy ending!

  5. Nice and needed encouraging words from you, Roger. Thanks!

  6. I remember a song with the words "I love nobody but you" but I don't remember anything else about it.
    I seem to have dropped out of ABC Wednesday. This happened when I got sick a month ago, and was miles from home, fighting with my new laptop computer, my chest infection, and the hotel's horrible wi-fi system. After I had missed "K" (for my first name) and "L" (for my middle name) I decided I'd wait and start again when we get back to A. I hope that doesn't happen when we're miles from home and fighting with another wi-fi system.
    Meanwhile, I think you're doing a great job with this meme, Rog, and I'm sure Mrs. Nesbitt thinks so, too.

  7. Enjoy it when inspiration comes form another's work♫ Loved your prose.

  8. Great post ~ lovely choice ~ and music ~ ( A Creative Harbor)

  9. Roger - you're hilarious -you always manage to find one of two more of the weekly letter in my post!! But I couldn't believe I missed this one -the Netherlands - ugh - some people are just too smart!

  10. He he he! What a great and nice post!
    Love the music too!
    Thanks for sharing, Roger.

    Hope you are having a fabulous week****

  11. hello and good morning, I am the Geli found the blog and would love to participate if I could, I learn only recently HAIKU and am delighted when I can show others and you will help me to improve it.

    Thank you and warm greetings

  12. That's my daughters fave song..=) ...I found your blog from a friend and I love to participate.


  13. A very clever take on the song, indeed! Of course I was singing it out loud...:)

  14. Brilliant! I hadn't heard of the song but loved it, especially with its new and much more interesting lyrics. Great guitar solo and loved the bobbing head DJ :)
