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Tuesday 28 June 2011

X is for Longhorns?

X is always the most difficult letter. So few words start with X and working them into a sentence requires great patience.

In trying to write this intro, so many times I started to type a word, only to realize it started with the "X" sound, but not with X. Exciting or Ecstatic, for Example. It was exasperating.

It seems most words that start with X are either scientific terms, or names of prescription drugs.

But X has a colorful history. (for example the prefix "Xan" generally refers to the color yellow).

We use it in life to denote the things we want out of our life, like our former mates, or Ex's, who presumably live in Texas, (per the country song All My Ex's Live in Texas, George Strait, 1987).

I can't hear that song without picturing a bunch of longhorn "X's" running around.

The red X in the corner of your screen right now would simply shut this page out of your life temporarily, (so please dont click it right now.)

X is used in cartoons to show poison and to indicate the proof of moonshine. A string of XXX's indicates Porn. In fact, the letter X has become synonymous with the "Bad Boy" dangerous or wild side image.

X no longer marks the spot for treasure, but more likely in modern times marks the spot for trouble.

Let's see what you can come up with for "X" and let's see if you can do it and still stay out of trouble.


  1. it used to be sign X here if you can't read.

  2. Great intro, Troy. I doubt I'll be joining since I blew the wad on my one good X last time around. I'd have to cheat to make it this time.

  3. That's an interesting exposition of X.

    What luck that this week I photographed a scroll to illustrate King Xerxes.

  4. I've been running out of ideas for X too so will probably only do it on one of blogs this week.

  5. Very good X blog - not to familiar with Longhorn x's ! we have Friesians over here - x was a difficult letter I must admit

  6. X is a difficult letter, but with the help of a movie I saw recently and Wikipedia I've found something...

  7. My goodness. My post is very much in line with Troy's intro. I SWEAR I didn't steal it; great minds, and all that.

  8. Very good interpretation. Thanks for that! What time is this here? My watch is nearly 5 pm now. LG Tina

  9. GREAT post! I am really looking forward to see how we all post our "X's. Yours was a wonderful start. Thanks - see you next week!

  10. X is a hard letter and you did a fantastic job with it.

  11. My post for x is up !! under Pheno Menon

  12. I'm not sure I stayed out of trouble, but at least I'm not the only one to spell it Xtreme Sport! :-D

  13. Thanks for being our Host Letter this time.

    I had to laugh, but it's sad to say, we have a friend who has 3 X's in he single.

    ABC Wednesday is really a "hoot" and I love participating in it.

  14. Still wonderful writing with the letter"X". Informative too.

  15. Nice intro!
    Hi everyone, happy abc Wednesday.
    ; )

  16. The XXX looks interesting hehe just kidding. Mine is up

  17. It's taken me 6 rounds of ABC to have to use this particular X, but had a lot of fun unearthing some fascinating social history about my local area on the way :)

    Happy Wednesday everyone!

  18. I still sing that song. And I have no X's in Texas.

  19. We have an XPTO meme here...:)

  20. A tough one, for sure!

    I bet George Straight would get a kick out longhorn X's coming to mind with his song!

  21. Just posted my X poem about the Wych Cross Oak in Ashdown Forest. You'll find it at

    Thanks for reading it! :)
