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Tuesday, 26 July 2011

B is for Brothers and Sisters

ABC Wednesday brings together people from all over the world. Among people participating this week, and indeed in previous weeks, months and years even are friends in Norway. The whole world has witnessed and felt the tragedy which hit Norway last week. 

Brothers and Sisters by Marie Souline

In my perfect world there would be no war
People would communicate, and work their problems out diplomatically
All nations would be allies
People would wear smiles
And no one would ever know what a gun was
We would all be brothers and sisters

In my perfect world there would be no racism
People would be judged based on the content of their character
We would all hold hands
We would all be friends
We would all be brothers and sisters

In my perfect world there would be no heart ache
Families would love unconditionally
Lost love would become friendship
Friends would have no troubles, only fun
And no one would ever be lonely
We would all be brothers and sisters

In my perfect world there would be no worry
There would be no wars
There would be no racism
There would be no heart ache
There would only be occasional tears of joy
We would all hold hands together, as brothers and sisters

Thanks Jane for this link

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  1. That will be also my perfect world! LG Tina

  2. There are so many tragedies in our world past and present - wonderful words - thankyou - I wish also that we could have a perfect world

  3. thankyou for sharing the poem, it is beautiful. Sue

  4. Thank you for sharing this Denise. If only.

  5. My ideal wolrd too. If you Google "chain of solidarity Norway" you will find a link where you are able to sign a page signifying that you care about the people of Norway. Like a huge hug around Norway. The link is also on my blog.
    Jane x

  6. Thanks Jane - have edited my post and added a direct link. xx

  7. That os a very beautiful poem and fit for the occasion. I also signed the " chain of solidarity".

  8. This is indeed a BEAUTIFUL poem! Thank you for sharing it with us at a time when we all need beautiful words and thoughts in this sad, old world of ours.


  9. Beautiful poem, thanks for sharing. My heart goes out to the people of Norway,

  10. Beautiful words this week.

  11. Perfect poem and sentiments


  12. Beautiful poem and sentiment! If only...

  13. Whaddye know? I posted, but just a fragment of my name showed up under the picture. That's what comes of not paying my dues. :-)

  14. Wow, what a lovely poem. Thanks!

  15. Both the picture and the words are very soulful. A very fitting post.

  16. After my morning, this poem opened the flood gate of tears. (RIP)

  17. This is beautiful. I am praying for our brothers and sisters in Norway.

    —Kay, Alberta, Canada

  18. Dear Denise - I can't thank you enough for this very touching post. Poem, photo and all. I also want to thank you and other members of the ABC -community (I have to shamefully admit that I have not been active just lately, but that may change...)for the comments and condolences I have received personally.

    I know that the whole Norwegian people are grateful for the support they have received from all over the world in these terrible days. But now we must look forward, treat our sorrows and continue to build on the values we cherish.

    Life must go on.

  19. What a beautiful poem! If only we could have that kind of world!
    I am only 1 generation removed from Norway - I have never been but feel the ties. This was pure evil that destroyed so many young people.

  20. Hello,

    I "sent" you a blue building this week...

    Thanks for the kind word.

    Have a nice day.

    Hasse A Norway

  21. Wonderful words. We all should act like brothers and sisters. So true.

  22. Berowne - your name has been fixed. Must have been a magic genie.

  23. it's posts like this that make me proud to be a blogger -really amazing job. Thank you for sharing.

  24. Beautiful words. Thinking of of all our Norwegian brothers and sisters this week,

  25. That was a lovely poem, thanks for sharing.

  26. I like the link to the "Hold together--hold hands" for Norway.
    Almost a million people have joined in already!

  27. What a beautiful message that we can all embrace and envision coming true. It ca, if we all embrace this collectively.

  28. Hey -- I got my name back, thanks!

  29. Big issues make our individual problems so small and bind us together. Thank you for the poem.

  30. The events in Norway were indeed shocking, more so (perhaps) because it was Norway. I can't remember the last time I heard about something of this nature happening there.

  31. Our hearts and prayers are with those affected by another senseless tragedy.

    Before sin came into the world, the earth was indeed a perfect paradise, without sin, ignorance, prejudice & war. Sadly, I don't think we will ever experience perfection in these times and live like brothers and sisters.

    Beautiful sentiments, Marie. Thank you.

  32. All beings are brothers and sisters, but we forget (sometimes in shocking and horrible ways). This piece is a lovely and much-needed reminder. My heart joins so many others going out to the people of Norway to wish them healing and peace.

    In separateness lies the world's great misery;
    in compassion lies the world's true strength.
    ~The Buddha

  33. I wish people would treat each other like brothers and sisters so that there would be no war, The poem is beautiful, thanks for sharing

  34. it's good to be back on ABC!

    come see the beach and boats =)

  35. How great it will be to have Utopia, but sadly, there is none. My heart cried for the bereaved mums, as I am one myself.

  36. I share the sentiments... wholeheartedly. Beautifully said. And I joined the holding hands link and passed it on to my friends.

  37. Here's to all of us doing our part to make the world a little more perfect! Memes like this one sure help bring the world together!

  38. Either brothers, or friendly strangers. :)

  39. beautiful poem. thanks for sharing

  40. What a beautiful poem. So sad what is going on around the world. Our hearts are with Norway now.

  41. And so it will be because this sounds just like heaven! Thanks for hosting!

  42. So many cool sites, so little time - I'll keep trying to make it through - thank you all for visiting & I'll try to reciprocate ASAP! Thanks for visiting Rog.

  43. A most beautiful poem.

    Our thoughts and hearts are with Norway.

  44. Such a poignant and touching poem. Heartbreaking.

  45. Hey I saw you liked art..I started my own art blog as well, about the greatest works, come check it out ;)

  46. such a beautiful i wish there is such a real perfect world here on earth
