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Tuesday 3 January 2012


YEAH, I could YANK YOU around with a YARN about a YELLOW YETI living in a YURT, eating YOGURT and wearing a YARMULKE.

But this YANKEE (just like YOGI) would rather have YOU YODEL about YOUR YESTER-ME, YESTER-YOU, YESTERDAY [listen], maybe YOUR YULETIDE. YAKETY YAK [listen] about YOUR YOUTH. YELL about YOUR YEARS. YOWL about YOUR YARD. YAP about YOUR YO-YO. Or YEARN for a YACHT.

Any YAHOO can join ABC Wednesday, made YEASTY by our wise-as-YODA Denise Nesbitt. Just say YES [listen], even while doing YOGA.
And will YOU be say YES to ABC Wednesday, Round 10 this YEAR? As noted last week, TroY designed a nifty logo that looks a bit like this:


  1. Hi Gattina, I saw your comment and recognised you from previous Ruby Tuesday encounters. There's a link in a comment previous to yours Magical Mystery Teacher MMT is the new host! Yay! see you there sometime!

  2. Nice list of Ys hehehe. Happy new YEAR everyone!

  3. Yes Roger - a wonderful introduction as ever - bringing a broad smile to my face on a cold, wet misserable afternoon here in YORKSHIRE! lol! Yes, a ray of sunshine from over the pond! Yeah!

  4. Great introduction and Happy New Year!

  5. yo ho and a happy new Year to all

  6. Love your introductions, Roger, replete with wisdom and music! Happy New Year to you and yours.

  7. Hello all. Happy New Year!
    Great way to kick start the year Roger.

    Have a lovely week everyone!

    Youth At Play

  8. Mmmm ... not sure I'd like to run into a yellow yeti however sitting in a yurt sipping on yerba mate is doable.

  9. Yes, Yes, Yes to round 10!

    Happy New Year!!

  10. I thought it was you writing, Roger, as soon as I began to read. Good stuff and much creative thinking. It sounds like it just tripped off your tongue without much effort. But I bet it didn't. Good writing always takes effort.
