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Monday, 24 June 2013

X is for most eXcellent badge

This is the week when we at ABC Wednesday eXalt in the design of the new badge eXecuted by the most eXcellent Troy.

It's also when we start getting eXcited by thinking of another round. Now is the time to eXclaim to your friends, "Hey, there's this eXpansive blog you might want to try out." Oh, and if you want to eXpend energy by writing an introduction or three and visit other sites, we would accept the eXtra help.

Hey, if you're new here, check out the eXamples the other folks have set. Well, this is an eXceptional week in that, for purposes of eXpediency, we're not really fussy that the word start with X as much as it sounds like the 24th letter, or looks like it. We still eXpect you'll mention ABC Wednesday on your post, though.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. You outdid yourself this time, Roger, An eXcellent post with a touch of eXuberant energy! I'll be in Santa Fe for most of July, but think I'll still be able to participate wholly. Thanks for all your time and energy that you eXpend on this meme!

  2. This eXcellent post makes me eXhilarated and eXcited about writing some intros neXt time around after all. It'll keep my eXhausted mind off the eXtra stuff going on. :D

  3. excellent stuff Dear Watson!

  4. Oh and XXXX is a beer brand in Australia!

  5. Love the new badge, I eXclaimed when I saw it!

  6. Great new badge. Happy X week.

  7. EXciting new badge, spin that alphabet. Glad you are letting us off with x words Roger although by chance I've briefly managed to find one I've not used before.

  8. The badge is perfection! I actually wrote about a bonafide X word, although it is a name!
