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Tuesday 8 October 2013

M is for Meme

Maybe you're happy

Maybe you're sad.

Maybe you're good

Maybe you're bad.

Maybe you're feeling on top of the world

Maybe your day is yet to unfurl.

However you're feeling do say hello

Introduce yourself just before you go.

We see you posting week after week

We admire your posts, your expert technique.

To get the ball rolling "Hi I'm Denise -

I keep hens and dogs I've even kept geese.

I am from Yorkshire, in the UK

I do hope you'll have a really good day!"

Off I now go to get ready at great speed

for the wonderful posts we so love to read.


  1. Thanks for the great introduction!

  2. My, what a marvelous introduction.
    I'm Dina, former resident of a moshav/village in the Hills of Jerusalem, now living in Meitar in the Negev desert. Mighty nice knowing you all. Shalom!

  3. Great introduction Denise and I love the photographs. My name is Carver, I live in NC in the U.S. I like birds and flights of fancy. Nice to meet all of you through this meme.

  4. This is a great intro, Denise! As you know, I'm from the western part of Canada just south of Vancouver. I have a dog Tegan, and currently am sporting a lovely fashion statement - inflatable boot - for my broken ankle! Hope to see you again some day in the near future. MUST GET EGGS! LOL

  5. Hi, I'm Roger. I've always lived in upstate NY, which is NOT the same as New York City(!), except for about eight months. I'm a librarian, and music is very important to me.

  6. Hi, I'm Hazel. I love autumn even though I have never been anywhere where the season is happening. I live in Bangkok.

  7. Denise, you have outdone yourself in this intro.
    Terrific photos and it just really shows your sense of humor and flair for life.
    Hi, I'm Sue and I love photography and getting to know people from all over the world through ABC Wednesday.

  8. As I say weekly, I am Janis of So Cal!
    What a perfectly charming intro to the letter "M" this week.
    That little rattie with his bear steals my heart and makes me smile, thank you Denise!

  9. I'm so glad to meet you and be able to thank you for this Marvelous Meme! I'm Nonnie; I'm a retired elementary school teacher and I live in Indiana.

  10. Reading this is a great start to the day. The world needs more smiles. Well done.

  11. Hi the intro, and your picture is great! I'm Wanda from Southern CA, retired from Property Management 20 years, and also a retired Pastor's wife of 50 years. Love this meme, and all the work you have put into it to make it so fun. Met many lovey people sharing comments. Thanks again!

  12. Hi, as i was trying to submit my url for my new post, i got some errors multiple times. So if the admin finds more than 1 link from me for same page please keep only one and delete the rest. Take care

  13. Your intro was a joy to read. And I loved the pictures. Too cute :D

  14. Hello Denise, I loved your intro too. I'm Linley and I am from Western
    Australia. I moved to a country town 6 months ago, where I have now made my home. I look forward to sharing more with your marvelous meme.

  15. Hello Denise - It was so wonderful to put a face with the name. Looks like I chose a good post for this week also introducing myself. - Margy

  16. Denise absolutely love al the pictures--just darling. I'm Ann, a Midwestern girl and live in Kansas. My life is full of joyful times with my family, being retired and looking for that special trinket.

  17. We are a little (well actually alot) late but still submitting our entry for M.

  18. Hi Denise! Sorry for my late posting. Blessings!

  19. Hi, Denise, I'm going to be even later than Arnoldo and Ercotravels, but better late than never!
