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Monday 30 June 2014

Y is for YEAST

YEAST makes bread rise, and beverages, such as wine and beer, ferment. From the Wikipedia:
The word "yeast" comes from Old English gist, gyst, and from the Indo-European root yes-, meaning "boil", "foam", or "bubble"'. Yeast microbes are probably one of the earliest domesticated organisms.
A friend of mine really likes the word YEASTY, meaning "marked by change; full of vitality."

It occurred to me that YOU, people of ABC Wednesday, are the YEAST of this project. YOU make it rise like a loaf of bread. YOU give it that YUMMINESS like a glass of wine.

Because YOU say YES to participating, YES to visiting others. Some of YOU say YES to writing these pithy intros or designing logos.

YOU make ABC Wednesday YEASTY. Thank YOU.

(Picture from HERE)



  1. Yes! It's all about YOU!

    abcw team

  2. Yes, You made it Yummy, Roger:) Thank you for everything:):)

  3. Funny that our word for yeast is "gist"like the Old English word "gist". I am sure that the pronunciation is different. It's the initial "g" sound in Dutch, which sounds like the Welsh "ll" in Llandrindod.

  4. Such a Yeasty post! Thank YOU for such lovely words :)

  5. Wow that sure rose up to the occasion !!


  6. Yikes! I Yearn for yummy yeasty products...they linger too long with me :-(

    Thanks to the wonderful ABCWednesday team--- You make my week!

  7. Replies
    1. Odd thing, Berowne. I had the same problem last week. It is there, but there may be something local blocking it.There ARE 18 posts I can see. I'll enter your post for you, if you want, and when it rectifies itself on your end - and there's nothing you need do, except maybe try another machine - it'll be there.

    2. My post was just to link this week's ABC Wed with my blog, Berowne's 226 Quiz. Thanx for your help.

    3. It's post #20. EVERYONE - go visit Berowne! Clever puzzle I haven't sussed out yet...

    4. What a great shout-out. Mucho thanks...

  8. Don't forget champagne...great minds think alike, cheers!!

    Y is for...

  9. A very nice intro to the letter Y. I must get busy and see what I can come up with for the letter Y!

  10. Thank YOU for hosting this marvelous venue to share and meet others. Blessings!

  11. My link is here: ABC WEDNESDAY: Y in case the linky doesn't show up later.

    1. Photo Cache - I have linked your post to the Linky. Folks, #26 is having trouble seeing the Linky. Anyone else besides Berowne?

  12. Thanks for the imaginative and inspirational post!

  13. YUMMY image here, love both bread and wine! this meme would not be in existence without Mrs. Nesbitt's creating it and YOU maintaining it. thank you!

  14. Hi Roger we used to be able to get live yeast from a local bakery but sadly it has closed down, so dried yeast is the order of the day!
    My husband turns out some delicious bread from an old bread maker that we've had for years, I use my food blender to make Pizza dough, which turns out quite well too.
    interesting post,

  15. Lovely post for Y , best regard from from Belgium
    lettre Y on

  16. Nice post! I'm just happy to have a place to share my stuff every Wednesday :)

  17. Thanks for your nice words. The word yeasty is starting to grow on me.
