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Monday 29 December 2014

Yes Here Comes Y

Yuletide is over and now it is almost  time to cheer in the New Year with a glass or two.  The crowds have gathered and the letter Y is in town.  Time to link up.  Despite the early morning grey skies in the photo our yellow Y motoring down the road in Yorkshire would soon see the sun come out, once it had left the city of York.  Not far behind this Grand Depart car and the promotional procession would be the Yellow Jersey cycling through the streets, the Tour de France's first visit to the white rose county of Yorkshire.
Where they drink a lot of Yorkshire Tea. 

Now stir the fire, and close the shutters fast,
Let fall the curtains, wheel the sofa round
And, while the bubbling and loud-hissing urn
Throws up a steamy column, and the cups,
That cheer but not inebriate, wait on each,
So let us welcome peaceful evening in.
(From The Winter Evening by William Cowper)

Whatever season or time of day it is with you be of good cheer for its the ABC Wednesday time of week


  1. What a lovely introduction! Yorkshire tea!! We can get that over here now at the British Foods Store. I absolutely love that poem by William Cowper. I've never read it before. We have our afternoon cup of tea every afternoon at 3:00 our recliner chairs if it's too chilly on the sun porch looking over the creek. Happy New Year with many cheering cups of tea!

  2. We'll take a cup of kindness yet!

  3. I love tea, especially in the winter when our wood stove is burning. I keep a pot warm so I can keep refilling my mug at a moment's notice. Probably not the most gourmet way to drink tea, but it sure is quick and easy. - Margy

  4. Y is for YEAR! One that ends and one that begins. Thanks for hosting, have a wonderful 2015, full of health and happiness!

  5. What a wonderful poem to end the year on - thanks for another 52 weeks of ABC Weds!

  6. Thanks for hosting all Year long. "Y" is Yarra River in Melbourne, at Year's end!

  7. Thanks for good wishes for the New year and lovely pics!

  8. Happy New Year! Thank you for hosting a fun meme.
