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Monday 16 February 2015

Introduction of F.

We arrived at the letter F now of round 15. If you participate with us, please link to and mention us in your post.

If we didn't have the letter F we would certainly miss a lot of fun!

For instance we could not eat any fruit.

Neither could we fry a fish over a fire.

We would never be able to sail in the Norwegian fjords.

Nor see the falls.

We would never see the early morning fog.

                           We wouldn't be able to buy any flowers 

                            nor pick them anymore.....

I am looking forward to seeing your F posts.

Wil, ABCW Team.



  1. Hey, Wil - I don't tell you often enough how much I appreciate your dedication to ABCW!

  2. That fish looks appetising! Just may have Fish for tea.

  3. beautiful pix.

    I have a F for FREEDOM :)

    glad to link up!

  4. Great intro to the letter F! Nice job Wil

  5. Wil, that's a bunch of beautiful F words!

  6. great collection of things beginning with F

  7. Hi! The flower photos are very beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Wow! The Norwegian Fjords look like my kind of place to visit. Blessings!

  9. So many good photos ) Very interesting "F" ))

  10. F was fun and nary a four letter word! Oh, foolish, me, except for fish.

  11. O those flowers are gorgeous! Thanks for spreading the cheer, Wil.

  12. The Norwegian fjords look so beautiful!

  13. Fantastic! My "F" post today stand for Fairfield, the suburb where I live in Melbourne.

  14. Feathery Foliage of Fennel!
    Thanks for hosting.

  15. F stands for FISH! Thanks for hosting.

  16. The fjords and falls look so much like my British Columbia home. I would love to see the Norway version someday. - Margy

  17. That's a lot of Fs. You inspire me.
    Jumping in the wagon here. New to this theme.

  18. I wouldnt want to live in a world without "F"s either. The shots of the fjords and flowers are super!

  19. Here's something that happened to me: when WordPress automatically updated to 4.1.1 yesterday, it changed my settings to require you to log in through WordPress. I've since changed the settings to correct that. I mention this in case your blog has that problem (or if you could noot comment on mine!)

  20. Oh I am so very thankful your still around in blog world, it has been a little bit over three years since I have been back to blogging and have entered into your ABC Wednesdays, I took a leave of absent and so glad to be back again.

  21. So many wonderful images here, Reader Wil! I particularly loved the Flowers! Many thanks for doing your part to keep the Friendship and Fascination that ABC Wednesday inspires Flourishing!

  22. Loved those pictures specially that fish over a fire and the flowers that always cheer me up.
