Round ~ 17X
Hello and good morning, -afternoon, -evening, dear people who all participate is this wonderful photomeme, which is a joy to me, week after week, after week. I'm always curious to what you come up with!
This week's challenging letter is X and the word i've chosen is XENOPHOBIA
Although this is a word wich is actual everywhere all the time... throughout historie even... its now present and very actual in the country where i live in, The Netherlands, as in surrounding countries in Europe. Maybe even outside Europe too, maeby even in the country you live in?!
Lots of people spread malicious stories for the one and only purpose to create more hate and whatever more they want to achieve. Those people make me afraid, sad, and yes, angry even.
One might expect that the people who work for Radio- & Tv-stations, or other media who spreads news ... might bring objective news, weaned from their personal opinion, but sadly enough that is not the case. Lots of 'media' are actually contributing to the fear lots of people allready have.
Maybe I see it all wrong but does not everyone have the right to exist? Does not everyone have the right to have a roof above their head, food in their stomachs, a bed to sleep in and lots of stuff more that we take for granted most of the time?
Why, I wonder, is it so hard to have compassion for our fellow human being? I, for approximately 40 years now, do work as a volunteer, all those years now I try to do the best I can in helping another person who needs help... in a way I'm able to provide. I realy don't care what colour of skin that person has, which belief he has (or not), what his origin is, what the level of his intelligence is, or what capabilities he has or lacks. All I see is a person who needs something what i can provide; it's that simple.... right? To me it is, obviously!
Of course, I am not stupid. I am aware of the misery lots of people do to another person..... I even can tell experiences of my own about horrific things... but... the harm-doer is NOT a foreigner by definition.
I hope and pray... that all of you are well and blessed, I wish you that you will stay that way, that no harm comes to you and that you do no harm to another! And most of all, I wish that if it might happen that you come into a position where you need help... that there will be people who help you with whatever you need!!
Of course, I am not stupid. I am aware of the misery lots of people do to another person..... I even can tell experiences of my own about horrific things... but... the harm-doer is NOT a foreigner by definition.
I hope and pray... that all of you are well and blessed, I wish you that you will stay that way, that no harm comes to you and that you do no harm to another! And most of all, I wish that if it might happen that you come into a position where you need help... that there will be people who help you with whatever you need!!
Have a nice ABC-day / ABC-week
♫ M e l o d y ♫
***♫ M e l o d y ♫
I totally agree with you, Melody. I, too, pray for peace amongst all peoples no matter race, religion, sex, or anything else that might not fit "your" norm.
abcw team
Thank you Leslie!
DeleteEspecially around these time in a year so many people celebrate the birth of a child, wasn't he a foreigner who was welcomed and feared at the same time... due to the unknown factor?
A very thoughtful and compassionate post, Melody.
ReplyDeleteThank you Hildred... i hope that people take up my 'hint' and think more before judging someone to fast ;-)
DeleteThoughtful introduction to the letter X, Melody.
ReplyDeleteThank you Ellen !
DeleteI thought of xenophobia, but it didn't fit in my text. Have a merry Christmas, Melody!
ReplyDeleteIt did in mine ;-)
DeleteThank you Jeannette, you too!
I much prefer "xenophilia".
ReplyDelete;-) i do to ofcourse ;-)
DeleteI fully agree with you ! The TV is the worst ! They only show terrible pictures, and cause panic ! You probably saw what they showed about Brussels in the medias which came to a point that friends abroad called us fearing for our life, and we haven't seen a single soldier or policeman here, what they showed was only one place in Brussels ! People worked as usual, shop owners kept their shops open only public institutions were closed (like museums) ! And in the media they said that the streets are empty and the shops closed !! Finally somebody wrote in the metro "If you don't want to panic, switch your TV off" ! I have been to Egypt the last two weeks and got the impression that the Europeans came here to escape the terrorists, lol ! I didn't see a single soldier and no more police as usual !
ReplyDeleteYour story is indeed one of the countless examples for this kind of malicious newsspreading.
DeleteI often wish i could do something to change it but i still can't figure out how to...
Well-said, Melody. I say the same, but I sometimes feel as though I am a voice in the wilderness.
ReplyDeleteMy "X" is for XANTHI, a city in Northern Greece.
Thank you Nick... i feel the same sometimes...but we may never let us get silenced by that feeling!
Deletenice...i will come and see
Melody, Merry Christmas. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteThank you Photodoug, likewise
Deletean Xcellent post introducing this week's letter! You are so right about the media- I long for the days when newscasters broadcast the facts of the news with no slant toward influencing the audience. Even my favorite "NBC's Nightly News" is filled with the insane barbs of presidentail hopefuls. Nothing is said about what they hope to accomplish if elected. Frankly, there is no one running for whom I'd cast my vote.
ReplyDeleteThank you Norma !
DeleteI long for those days too, hopefully they will come soon!!
Overhere identical....lots of people who makes beautiful promisses, to stupid to realise that nobody believes it anymore
Melody, thank you for your post. I live in the U.S. The hate and fear is strong, particularly among those who believe they are the true voice of God. As in your country and else where, we have certain channels who fuel these people's hatred and fear. The channels say they're all about news, but they're not. They're merely giving opinions that their audience believes are facts and truth, which is very sad and horrible. I like to think that the positiveness of humanity shall prevail.
ReplyDeleteIndeed Su-sieee the act itself is horrible and i think its frightning how they multiply the fear and hate.
Deleteyes i do want to think and hope that too although its sometimes very hard to keep those feelings alive.
That's such a though-provoking post melody. I think the media plays a very important role and can sway the opinion of people either way. I feel, on an individual level, there is no strife between people it is only when they are incited or brain washed that fights/wars happen.
ReplyDeletethank you Tulika. I agree... and i get scared sometimes when i notice how seemingly simple it appears to make people change their mind .... as if 'man' is no longer able to think for himself.
Deletepowerful x words.
ReplyDeleteThank you Sheryl