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Monday 18 April 2016

Introduction of the letter O

Wherever I look I see O's. Every circle is an "O".

To begin with food and the plate you put it on.

Flowers are often round, they are never rectangular.

The sun,the moon ,the planets and all other celestial bodies are round, if we see them from our round planet Earth.

Our eyes are round.

Our coins all over the world are round

 Our crockery: cups, saucers , plates tea-set, they are all round. I have never seen a rectangular cup, however a rectangular plate. is quite common nowadays.

Mushrooms are mostly round.

Manhole-cover in Norway

Street decoration in Tenerife

This milk-can is round

                                                           Its lid forms a perfect letter O.

Remember: if you participate with us, please link to and mention us in your post. And use the appropriate letter, which is O this week.



  1. *glimlach* ... als jij ook overal letters in ziet kun je best meedoen met de alfabet-letter-challenge die pas haar 4e ronde is ingegaan, de 1e 3 rondes bij mij en per ronde 4 bij mijn schoondochter ;-)

    Mooie o's hoor lieve dame.... en een fors aantal ook *knipoog*

  2. Lots of O's for sure! Nice intro to the letter O!

  3. This is wOnderful...I never even thought of the actual shape of the letter. OMNIPOTENT post!

  4. You are sO right ~ O's everywhere ~ Wonderful photography!

    Happy Week to you ~ ^_^

  5. Oh, my, we are surrounded by O's! You have the eye of an artist and geometer. Happy ABC Wednesday!

  6. Lots of O:s in that post. The brussels sprouts look delicious.

  7. Neat intro!
    Mine is about OHIO, OREGON and OKLAHOMA!

  8. Today is Q-Day for the April A to Z Blog Challenge, so this is my Q-post, but it also applies to "O." Thanks for the prompt.
    Doing the A-Z with SEVEN of my blogs. All had "O" posts too. ;-)
    This also works for NaPoWriMo - National Poetry Writing Month.

    Quads and Bods to Beat the Odds

  9. Outstanding introduction for "O"!
    My entry is from OAMARU in New Zealand.

  10. O's also make wonderful containers for peace. :-) Love your post!

  11. Not only do you do great intros, you do them EARLY!
