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Tuesday 13 March 2012

I is for..........Inlinkz

Each week we follow fellow ABC Bloggers, thanks to a nifty piece of software called the link tool, or to be more precise Inlinkz. This is down to the ingenious, intelligent, Aris Korbetus, the name behind INLINKZ.....this week fellow bloggers not only is he writing a piece for our INTRODUCTION - he is also donating a Giveaway Amazon Voucer! Wow! How is that? Just leave a comment and one lucky random person will win this generous do you ask? All down to the ingenious INLINKZ!!!!

InLinkz is made for sharing. In each InLinkz link, there lies behind it, a blogger, with a whole new and exciting story to share with all of us. Some stories are sad, most are happy and creative. And all stories are unique. As unique as the personalities of those who worked for them. It is like a TV, where each channel leads to a connected soul. It might be hundreds or thousands of miles away but the story is there! Looking us in the I , waiting to be read. And usually, in an InLinkz, the stories are somewhat alike, based on some rules, yet so different!
And when I follow the link, I meet a new person and a whole new world behind it! I discover more. I want to get in touch with the person behind the link. I feel small, yet great. Far away but not disconnected. And when I go back to the InLinkz, there are lots of other links to follow and people to meet! There are all opportunities to connect and share! And as human beings, we do love to connect and share, no matter how far we are from each other!


  1. Interesting introduction. Hope everyone is having a great week.

  2. An Amazon voucher! Ooh, ooh, exciting!
    Jane x

  3. What an honor! Thank you for hosting and introducing. I wish you and all the ABCWednesday players a great week!

  4. I guess I never thought about the person behind the great link.
    Very inventive.

  5. I must say that the Inlinks is pretty easy to use; even *I* can do it!

  6. wow wow wow -is all "I" have to say:- Hey there Roger- we do have same ideas, I only posted little after your comment. lol

  7. I'm so happy I found ABC Wednesday, and I'm looking forward to reading your stories :)

  8. I am thrilled with the giveaway. We uses inlinkz too.

  9. I love using Inlinkz, it is so easy to use.

  10. Incredible brains to start this and we take it for granted :) Get inventive everyone and happy week and weekend to all


  11. I do marvel at the software behind the Inlinkz-and I also think how cool it is to be able to use an image as the link. Immense gratitude for Inlinkz! Yay!

  12. It's a fantastic invention, kudos to you!

  13. Huraah for another intoxicating week!!

    My entry, care for a swim at

  14. My I is for The Idiots, and interesting and entirely apocryphal piece of motion picture history. Also, I want to win the contest.

  15. I am new to the blog world. I enjoy visiting a wide variety of sites to see what other people enjoy - for me it is photography & family history.

  16. Cool intro. Inlinkz is awesome.

  17. Hello. Happy Wednesday!
    Interesting introduction.

    Intimate Moments With You

  18. I hope I have linked properly, as the page is not refreshing!

  19. Good to know who's behind Inlinkz. You've helped make the world a smaller, friendlier place, Aris!

  20. Was hoping to have a picture of the INFANT for this post, but she isn't here...

  21. This has to be one of my most favorite memes! Keep it up.

  22. Glad he shared it with the world!

    Happy Wednesday!

  23. A pat in the back to the creator of inlinks. Thanks for hosting.

  24. Huge round of applause for Aris and InLinkz! This link tool is amazing.

  25. Yay for InLinkz. Have a nice day everyone.

  26. This really is an amazing tool! Thank you, Aris. Smiles to everyone!
