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Tuesday 29 January 2013

C is for......

Welcome to Week 3 of Round 12 of our Celebratory ABC Wednesday where once again we will Chew the Cud!

Meaning To chat, in an aimless manner.
Origin Alternative versions of this are 'chew the fat', 'chew the rag' etc. Cud is the part digested food that ruminant animals, notably cows, bring back into their mouths from their first stomach, to chew at


The image is of slow and aimless mastication and the allusive use of the phrase refers to that. In its literal sense there are references to chewing the cud' going back to Aelfric, 'De veteri et de novo testamento', circa 1000.

The first recorded use of it in the allusive 'chatting' sense is in Henry Fielding's The History of Tom Jones, 1749: "Having left her a little while to chew the cud, if I may use that expression, on these first tidings."

Nearer to home...............I am using my position as Founder of ABC Wednesday and proud team member to introduce you to a cheeky chappy chewing.......yes my very own new addition...BING!

To see more of him check out here

So onwards Comrades....the world awaits you. Let the ABC Wednesday Carnival Commence!


  1. What a winsome little fella; I think you know I'm referring to the bottom image rather than the top. Have a good day! PS. Thanks for Founding this meme!

    1. He is probably the most photographed pup at the ripe old age of 13 weeks Kate! lol!

  2. He looks like the dog you had years ago.He is beatiful! and cute!

  3. Oh my gosh he is sooooo cute!!!

  4. C is clearly for cutest pup ever! :-)

  5. He really is CUTE and probably a bit too CURIOUS, or cantankerous at time, maybe?...but that teething...oh I don't miss that part of puppy-hood! Thanks for founding and hosting this awesome collection of curious folks - your time and effort is most appreciated.

  6. Adorable dog ~ absolutely a cutie! ~ Guess the link isn't opened yet? Not sure how to link up if it is ~ thanks ^_^

    Carol of: A Creative Harbor ~ USA

  7. Great introduction to the letter C.

  8. What a good introduction. I almost used COW for my C letter, but I put my Sitting Cow on my other blog, as I had already done Cheesecake...

    Your doggie is just adorable...

  9. So many nice word for C.
    Happy letter week!:-)

  10. i love the last pic ♥ so cute! :)

  11. Very bovine, that video. :)
    Enjoy your nice new puppy.

  12. Chewing the cud can be casual or calculated.

  13. Estou participando do mural
    adorei ver os animais. Lindos

  14. Oh so cute. He's adorable. Thanks for sharing.

  15. 'C' is for Cellular Jail!
    Great theme and some lovely pictures there on your blog!
    Thank you for hosting, Denise!

  16. the floppy ear did me in, what a cutie!

  17. that is such a lovely cat! :)

    joining again this week! ^_^

  18. About chewing the cud: I would have been mystified about the meaning of that expression if I had never read the Bible. The interesting thing about working with another language is that one never gets caught up, and many things I remember just by one thing, event, instance. One thing is for sure - blogging has enriched my use of language:)

  19. I am using c for crowd this time. I love your cats and your dog....

  20. That puppy is about the cutest thing I've seen since the baby who laughs hysterically at the sound of his dad tearing up a rejection letter... something my cats never did, because I save them all! Planning to wallpaper a room with them someday... Amy

  21. I am late posting! Thank you for your patience....
