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Sunday 18 October 2015

O stands for Odd Odes,




A great favourite of mine,  entertainer,  actor and writer..  Cyril Fletcher 1913-2005.

 Amongst his many talents he was famed for his writing and performing his... 'ODD ODES' on Sunday evenings, in a popular TV show called 'That's Life' which  was presented by Ester Rantzen.  Ester was the person who created 'Child Line', a phone line set up for abused children.

 Ester is now titled, Dame Ester Rantzen, a much earned reward from the Queen for all her hard work in setting up the child - line..

 An ODD ODE by Cyril Fletcher.

 The Mermaid.

 On Brighton beach some time ago

 A boatman by the name of Joe

 Looked up and in amazement saw

 A mermaid washed up on the shore.

 His eyes bulged as without delay

 She rose, and shaking off some spray

 Proceeded to remove her tail,

 And put same in a pail;

 Joe was astounded, rubbed his eyes

, The mermaid then said to his surprise

 Said in a foreign voice

 "Ah oui! Monsieur,

 I do not like ze sea!"

 From where before the tail had been,

A pair of shapely legs were seen,

And Joe said "cripes this is a case" 

And could not look her in the face.


She said to Joe "Let's get away"!

I'm sick of seeing waves and spray 

Like jelly wobbling up and down,

Monsieur, Let's go and see the town?"

 Joe's blushes matched his ginger hair 

For mermaids have no clothes to wear!

He muttered " I shall get it strong

If Watch Committee come along".

Quite a few people stopped to smirk

A newsboy shouted out, "nice work". 

  Some more collected - quite a jam 

Watched them  about to board a tram.

The tram conductor watched them come,

Then said to Joe "Oi, nark it chum!"   

Joe said to him, quiet as can be,

"She's just a mermaid from the sea"!  

 The tram - -man said "Oh yes old bean

And what are you - the fairy queen ?" 

A policeman quickly hove into view ,

Took out his book, (or truncheon even)  said, "What's to do?"

The mermaid glanced and said "I guess

 I love your  Engleesch  policemen - yes!" 

 Sad to relate this copper brave

Fell for her charms, became her slave

 And leaving poor Joe in the lurch

 Married the cop in Brighton Church

 All she left Joe was the pail

 Containing her discarded tail

  Joe sore at being  left so flat

Gave it to the lodgers cat. 

My thanks to the  OUTSTANDINGLY lovely Denise for devising ABCW and also to OUR Roger who's most respected OPINIONS are held in the highest  OFFICE...

 Last but not least the team of helpers who each week, visit many of the ABCW sites to help keep us all together ...

Best wishes,


ABCW team...aka one of the little helpers xx  



  1. Fantastic, thanks for the smile! :-)

  2. Interesting tale in poetry!

  3. How nice this ODD is ;-) Loved it!
    Have a nice day Di and thank you for hosting today!

  4. Oh how I like oddities! And ABCWednesdays! Thank you for such a nice place to park and visit.

  5. I had oodles of fun reading about this "tail in the bail." Blessings!

  6. What a wonderful ode to Odditiy!

  7. Lol Di that was so cute. Poor Joe.

  8. :-) Very English...
    My "O" stands for OPIUM POPPY

  9. thanks for the humorous verse- a great intro to the letter 'o'!

  10. hahahah. I must read more of Fletcher's odes. Thanks, Di. :-)

  11. Thank you all for taking the time to comment, most appreciated, I haven't the time to reply
    to each comment individually but will try and visit your sites to have a nosey !
    Best wishes,
    ABCW team.

  12. Odd and creative!
    from Carin

  13. Thanks Wil and Carin for your kind comments.

    Best wishes,
    ABCW team.
