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Monday 8 February 2016


abc18melody ABC-Wednesday by Mrs. Nesbitt Round 18 E 
   Hello and good morning, -afternoon, -evening, dear people who all participate is this wonderful photomeme, which is a joy to me, week after week, after week. I’m always curious to what you come up with! 
The challenging letter of this week is the E and I've chosen the word: Emerge 
 Every week many people participate in this, and others I expect, meme with totally different topics. Whatever emerges to ones mind comes across for all of us to see, to like or dislike...all is possible. That is one of the things wich makes participating in a meme so much fun, isn't it? 
I do have a mind which can think and act very quickly, i very rarely have to sit and think long and hard about what i will enter for participation but visiting every participant i also see people struggle sometimes with what to use for an entry.
 I love the fact that so many people participate every week and going back in the ABC history one can see many, many, many entries, week after week after week. I think is extraordinary for a meme to be so succesfull and have so many loyal participants who will return (almost) every week.

So... from a fairly new member of this meme... in my heart emerges a feeling of gratitude and respect to all of you and of course the wish that for long time to come, i will be able to may greet you every week again! 
Lets keep 'emerging' things out of our imagination to keep the weekly fun in 'our' meme alive and kicking!

Have a nice abc-day/ - week
♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ 



  1. Prachtige photo Melody! Splendid foto, Melody!

  2. That is a different take and a commendable one. Nice photo too.

  3. Gratitude is indeed a noble quality to develop, it helps us emerge into a more humane and compassionate human being. And this photo of 'transformation' from caterpillar to butterfly says so much, if we only listen to it. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thank you Belo Mehra ... you are right, we should listen more, i try to do the best ;-)

  4. I think we'w all caterpillars, hoping to be butterflies someday.

  5. Nice thought Roger.... to become a butterfly some day is a good goal !

  6. I think my butterfly days are only fly in airplanes now! LOL Great post, Melody.

    1. ;-) ofcourse they're not !! As long as you live you are a beautiful creature, like a butterfly!

      Thank you Leslie

  7. The photo for emerge is gorgeous.

  8. Emerge...great e word Melody!

  9. I LOVE the photograph that you chose to represent "emerge." Sometimes I know exactly what I want to write for the week, so my writing flows with ease. When I'm stumped, I look at the artwork/photography that I'm sharing for inspiration or do some research on words starting with that letter. Either way, I always enjoy the writing process. Happy ABC Wednesday, my friend!

    1. Thank you Arnoldo... i consider myself lucky to have a wonderful zoo quit nearby, about aproc. half an hour drive away... so things like this are always visible because they have a very large greenhouse for butterflies...

      As long you are having fun with it, its okay, i wish the fun will stay always !
      thank you, you too!

  10. Such a perfect well chosen word this week. I think we all can Emerge and evolve throughout our lives. Lovely butterflies in your photo, I don't think I have ever seen that type before.
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you Uberrhund. In the Zoo were i very regularly spent some hours, there are lots of butterfly-types to see... most of them, i do not know by name but i love them all ;-)

      Your welcome, thank you!

  11. good morning Melody,
    glad that again you're here with a new meme. great and interesting word: emerging.
    And the pictured you choosed is wonderful!
    Have a nice day, Hilde

    1. Good Morning Hilde.

      Thank you for your lovely comment, i am glad you like it!

      Thanks also for the nice wishes, wishing you the same ofcourse ;-)

  12. They look a little creepy, pinned up like that ...

    1. yes, indeed there is a touch of creepyness but i think they don't feel it... they won't get hurt by it i presume.

  13. Entertaining, exciting, evincing, enticing, eliciting, and yes, emerging entries!
    My "E" stands for ETERNITY

    1. ;-) A nice list of e-words... thank you.

      i already visited you.

  14. And "E" is for ELIZABETH TOWER in London ENGLAND

  15. And last, "E" also stands for ELTHAM...
    Thanks for being such a wonderful host.

    1. ;-) I will come and see

      You're welcome ;-)

  16. Emerge is such a hopeful word. Thanks for your beautiful picture and words.

    1. i think so too, it holds a promiss in it...

      you're welcome

  17. emma watson is worthy looking.
