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Tuesday 29 November 2016

U for Under Milkwood

Under Milkwood  is the most amusing play written for the radio in 1954 by the highly acclaimed Welsh writer and poet Dylan Thomas.

 The story is based around a fictional Welsh fishing village called Llareggub which, if you spell it backwards, it says 'Buggerall which is a sardonic term meaning nothing.

The village is full of quirky characters including Captain Cat who is blind and is haunted by the loss of his crew in a violent storm.

Captain Cat sleeping and dreaming of his lost crew.

This just a small offering this week as there was some confusion (caused by Google) so I abandoned my part written offering, only to be asked if I would carry on with it.

There is so much more to tell you about Under Milkwood ,which I shall in due course ! My enduring memories of this wonderful writing by Dylan Thomas is sitting around our huge radio with my family and hearing the dulcet tones of Richard Burton's voice narrating this wonderful tale.

 In 1972 it was made into a film starring Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor although it was quite good I could still close my eyes and just listen to the narration.

If I have captured your imagination enough and you haven't listened to the play, you can google it or check it out on You Tube.

My thanks and UNDISPUTED respect for Denise the devisor of ABCw, Roger editor, ably assisted by Leslie. Not forgetting the team workers who help to keep this wonderful meme together.

Best regards to all,


Abcw team. 




  1. Hi Di! Thank you for again another beautiful and interesting post about Great Britain. I love Wales. Our family has been there three times. We saw the castles, the caves, light railways and several wool factories.

    1. Hello Wil,
      Lovely to hear from you again also your kind comments .
      I have a great affinity with Wales too. My great grandpa was a Welshman,
      he was called Captain William Jones Bennett and fared in the Merchant Navy.
      It takes about 30 mins to get to North Wales by car so we often have day trips
      Best regards,
      ABCW team.

  2. what an imaginative and intriguing story... Totally new to me obviously ;-)
    And like in lots of others, many words, which sound unfamiliar, make more sense when spelled backwards ;-)

    1. Hello again Melody, glad you find the story intriguing, there's more to come !!
      Best regards,
      ABCW team.

  3. Replies
    1. Hello Ellen,
      thanks for your kind comments
      Under Milkwood is well worth a read if you haven't already read it.
      Better still, I found the original radio recordings with Richard Burton and
      Peter O'Toole the best of all.
      Best Wishes,
      ABCW team.

  4. So sorry about the mix-up, Di, but thankfully it got sorted with the help of Roger. Why does Blogger have to change things without letting us know!!! I've heard of this play but oh my gosh, to have heard Richard Burton's wonderful voice narrating must have been a real treat!

    1. Hi Leslie,
      I know an almighty 'cock-up', I had a lot more to write and illustrate but when I saw
      your intro I abandoned my partly written intro for another time..There is so much more
      to tell about Under Milkwood and Dylan Thomas's life in Laugharne that I save it until
      another time.
      I'm sure there's something on You Tube with Richard Burton being the 'first voice' and
      Captain Cat and I know how much you love all that is Welsh... I'll leave it with you.
      Love Di xx

  5. Thanks a LOT, Di, for finishing this on short notice. Blogger's interface is mysterious!

    1. No problems Roger, there is so much more to tell about Dylan Thomas and his wonderful
      writings, sadly a flawed genius, but i will writ more when possible,
      Best wishes,
      Di, xx

  6. Sorry I don't have a "U" post this week but I hope you'll come by to share at this week's photo linkup!

    1. Ok Sue will drop by later,
      Best wishes,
      Abcw team.

  7. Very interesting, Di! Thank you:)

    1. Thanks for your comment Amit, glad you found this hurried piece interesting,
      Best wishes,
      ABCW team.

  8. Undoubtedly unique play and immensely enjoyable, Di.
    My "U" stands for UTOPIA...

  9. And my "U" is for ULURU in Australia's Outback!

  10. And another "U" for UZBEKISTAN - it's on my Bucket List!

    1. Hi Nick, I've left another comment on your U post,
      Enjoy it,
      Best wishes,
      ABCW team.

  11. Hi, Di,
    Under Milkwood sounds like something Gilbert & Sullivan would've written. I will check it out. Hope all's well with you.

    1. Hi Susie,
      Not really, but I understand what you mean, Were you thinking of the Pirates of Penzance?
      I love Gilbert and Sullivan, well ahead of their time, I believe.

      All is fine now but we've been busy minding our two grandchildren,
      whilst their Mama is recovering from surgery on a broken toe..
      Who can believe such a little digit can cause so much pain and discomfort.
      Love n hugs,
      ABCW team.

  12. An interesting post, my choice is Under as well but in a very different way.

    1. Thanks LindyLou for your comments, good to hear from you xx
      Just going over to you site for a nosey xx
      Di xx


    amazing one.

    1. Thanks Drew for stopping by and commenting.
      I've been over to your site and love your writing.
      Best wishes,
      ABCW team.
