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Monday 29 May 2017

U is for Unity

I was watching the news, and a reporter pointed out the wisdom of the late Fred Rogers. He was the host of the long-running program on the Public Broadcasting System in the United States called Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. The reporter was thinking of the sad events in Manchester, England, but it could also applicable to other tragedies, personal or collective.

Mr. Rogers said:

"When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.'"

From Vox:

"Though Rogers was deeply religious, he never attempted to argue that tragedy was part of God's plan for the world or anything similar. Instead, he aimed to keep our eyes turned toward the good things humanity is capable of, which are often in much greater evidence than the bad."

In the midst of the bad, we need to stick together for the good.


  1. in another context but still the same thought as I had ;-)

  2. Mr. Rogers was a very wise man and with my daughters watched his TV show here in Canada during the week. It was always a "before dinnertime" fun and enlightening event.

  3. Too bad that there is no one to pick up Mr. Roger’s mantle today.

  4. United we stand, indeed!
    My "U" stands for UAKARI...

  5. We need to stand together and help each other. Very important post.

  6. Precisely! Thank you for a beautiful post.
