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Monday 4 November 2013

Q - like Quotes

Now that we arrived at the letter Q, I thought "Quotes" would be the right word. At least it starts with a "Q".

But what is the meaning of a quote ?

I googled and here is the explanation :

According to the free Dictionary a quote is :

1. To repeat or copy the words of (another), usually with acknowledgment of the source.
2. To cite or refer to for illustration or proof.
3. To repeat a brief passage or excerpt from: The saxophonist quoted a Duke Ellington melody in his solo.
4. To state (a price) for securities, goods, or services.

And if you need quotes to show how intelligent you are then go to the Quote Garden choose what you want and pretend that it is from you !

I choose "Quotations" : I love quotations because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognized wiser than oneself. ~Marlene Dietrich  Gattina



  1. This is great! I've bookmarked the Quote Garden because I'm always looking for quotes for kids' essays.

  2. Great choice. And I should do as Leslie did, and bookmark the Quote Garden. I don't have students, but I do like to appear smarter than I really am.
    Luv, K

  3. Loll... That's Quite an interesting introduction. Q post coming up!

  4. I also love searching for quotes. Thanks for the link and thanks for hosting this incredible blog! Have a great week.

  5. I love quotes too. And if I don't know the source I makes use of the quotation marks :)


  6. Used the 1st quote about grief in a card just this morning.

  7. I live by quoting all the time. A quote a day keeps the worries away.

  8. This comment was posted on my ABC W "Q" entry. I want you to see it because she is a reader of my blog and she really appreciates all of the ABC W team's efforts!

    "I think it's great the way the ABC team supports the participating blogs."

    THANK YOU for all you do. People notice!

    Greensboro Daily Photo
    (almost 5 years strong)
