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Monday, 22 February 2016

G is for GORGEOUS!

 Feast your eyes people of the GLOBE!

Yes tis the coffee morning season here in our little village tucked away in the North of Yorkshire, here in the UK, close to the sea and on the moors.

Mrs Nesbitt is rolling up her sleeves and getting very are some of my specialities...


Scotch eggs....

Corned beef pies....

More corned beef pies.....
(Never enough corned beef pies)

Chocolate fancies....

Coffee walnut!

Last year we made over £2,000 for our village hall funds and rumour has it our efforts have been recognised and submitted for an award!

Will keep you posted, but right now the kitchen is calling!

ABC Wednesday 18G

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. So so glad I'm full right now. What a great effort to raise money for your village. I'd buy something!!

  2. Hmmmmmm and why do i live overhere instead of near you around the corner of the street or something ;-)

    The first photo.... makes water run around my teeth

    i did not have an apetite before opening this post, but now i do ;-)

  3. Love gorgeous food :) Good! Great! Ready to gobble :)

  4. You work wonders be it the house renovation or this scrumptious food.

  5. Those look Gorgeous !!


  6. Yummmmmmmmmmm, so gorgeos! Never seen or eat a corned bee pie - - -
    Hungry greetings from Germany

  7. I'm so hungry just looking at those gorgeous pictures and guess what.. I'm on a diet which hurts me more since i ain't looking at sweets.. :(

  8. Oh! I can't look! I can't look! I'm absorbing calories as I see them all...except I wouldn't mind a bite of one of those "chocolate fancies." LOL GORGEOUS GLAMOROUS GARGANTUAN GOODIES!!!

  9. These look to die for! Am particularly interested in the corned beef one - just because I've never tasted one!

  10. These masterpieces are the work of a chef! Thanks for sharing!
    Wil, ABCW Team

  11. Oh this really put the Gorge in Gorgeous! I would like a slice of each and a couple of Corned Beef pies (you are so right, never enough pie!). Wonderful and mouth watering post, wishing you much success with fund raising~

  12. Denise - you've outdone yourself! Thank you for the intro.

  13. Gobsmackingly gastronomic! Good to gobble down!
    My "G" stands for GEELONG Botanical GARDENS.

  14. Yummmmmmmmmmm. I wish I was there to take part in your festivities and to eat your yummy looking food.

  15. I am feeling hungry now. Lucky I am about to have my dinner. That strawberry cake looks divine.

  16. Yummm! Gorgeous indeed :)

    - Priya [ ]
