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Monday, 28 March 2016

Love is..

There are many things in life that I love so  I thought I'd share some of them with you. When I was young I would fall 'in love' so easily that,  one of my friends, who was quite pragmatic, accused me of 'wearing my heart on my sleeve' !

But of course I didn't agree, what was wrong with falling 'in love' ?

This particular friend  who was a lovely girl had a boyfriend and had been seeing him for a couple of years but he treated her so badly, he had her waiting around expecting her to do whatever he wanted to do, instead of her making decisions too. I couldn't understand her but of course she was 'in love'  but could never admit it !

One of my favourite texts in the bible comes from Corinthians 13:4-7.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy. It does not boast.

 It is not proud. 

 It does not dishonour others,  It is not self seeking,

 It is not easily angered.

 It keeps no records of wrongs.

 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

 It always protects, always trusts,

 always hopes, always perseveres.

As today is Easter day I would like to send love and best wishes to all for a happy and peaceful Easter.

My sincere thanks the lovely lady, Denise who devised Abcw and  to Roger for his laudable ways in doing what he does in keeping abcw up and running, also to the team of helpers who assist with the visits and commenting.

Easter love and blessing to you all,
ABCW team, xx

ABC Wednesday 18L

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Love is a great choice for L Di! I'll be back in the morning to link up. Hope you had a blessed Easter!

  2. How LOVELY, Di, to write about love, the greatest gift our Lord has given us!

    abcw team

  3. The text from Corinthians is also my favourite Scripture text. Thank you for mentioning.
    Wil, ABCW Team

  4. I have read that letter from Paul at many wedding ceremonies. I even wrote a song to it; the refrain, in part, goes: "If love is the highest emotion, let me soar upon its wings/To God be the greatest devotion, and let my heart sing of his love..."

    Thank you for this... and for all you do for the ABC community! LOVE, Amy

  5. Dear Di, where would we be without love?
    Yes i know, it can hurt but it can also make one feel euphorically

    I would not want to live without it... any kind of it its okay by me!


  6. Love makes the world go round!! ^_^

  7. Happy Easter to you too! I "love" the passage from Corinthians, and it's one of my favorite passages. Blessings!

  8. wow.

  9. how to enter ABC Wednesday, pls help

    1. Ila- see the blue button to add your link? You click on that. You take the specific URL of your post and enter it, along with the post and/or your name, and your email, which no one sees (unless I look it up in the Linky, which I only do if there is a problem)

  10. Lovely introduction!
    My "L" stands for Autumn LEAVES, as it's that season in Melbourne now...

  11. Corinthians 13:4-7 is one of the most beautiful parts of the Bible.
    My "L" stands for LAKE

  12. That was a grand introduction to the letter L.

  13. Thank you all for your kind comments and observations.
    It is an honour to be able to write an introduction on Abcw,
    Long may it last,
    Best wishes to you all,
    ABCW team.

  14. Due to unavoidable circumstances I am unable to write posts but there is always an inquisitiveness as to what is going on here so today I visit here and we have reached 'L' and what better start than Love.

    Love keeps us motivated!
