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Monday 19 December 2016

X for Xerotes

abcw19groot  Mrs. Nesbitt's ABC-Wednesday

 Round 19-x

Hello and good morning, -afternoon, -evening, dear people who all participate is this wonderful photo-meme, which is a joy to me, week after week, after week. I’m always curious to what you come up with!

 The challenging letter of this week is the and I've chosen for the word Xerotes

 In my previous post for this meme I wrote about water of which we have plenty in the country where I live. Today I choose my X-entry for the opposite and thinking about it I wonder what I really can say about it by own experience... nothing really because I have never had to live with shortage of it so I don't know that much about it.

Still... there are places on our planet in which people live who experience Xerotes every second of almost every day.  That must be horrific! I truly can not imagine how it must be to live in such a place.

Whenever I want to... I can use water..... for whatever I want to... never have to worry about it. However, growing up I've learned to appreciate it and not spoil it, not because there was a threat of shortage but because my parents were far from rich and water had its price, it still does over here. I've taught my children the same but still, sometimes I have to tell them to be more economical with it. They shower to long for example, leave the faucet running while they brush their teeth.

 Since this meme goes all over the world I wonder... do you, or did you ever, have to live with Xerotes and if so how did/do you deal with it?

 Have ave a nice ABC-Wednesday-day / - week ~ ♫ M e l o d y ♫ (ABC-W-team)



  1. I know what a shortage of water is. We had it dutring WW II in Indonesia for several months. And not so long ago in Australia in my daughter's house.

    1. Ohjeetje wat naar joh, lijkt me vreselijk om mee te maken.

  2. Great word choice, Melody! But fearing that might be too much on Xmas I present Xysts:)
    Have a great Xmas with plenty of fresh water and water based fluids:):)
    I wish we understand the importance of water and pray may there be enough for all! Amen!!

    1. Thank you Amit.
      Your entry was very lovely, thank you for it.

      Also thank you for your sweet wishes!

      Your wish is mine as well, amen!!

  3. A new word for me. thanks for the introduction!

    1. It was for me to.... I did not want to do the obvious so I searched for something different

      ;-) You're welcome

  4. Australia is the driest continent on earth, Melody, so I know what xerotes means first hand. I have lived in places where water restrictions for months on end were a way of life. It sure makes you appreciate the wonderful fluid so many people on earth waste without thought for those living in xerotic conditions.
    My "X" stands XYLOCASTRO in Greece.

    1. Although I can't speak out of own experience I do think about it sometimes... I wish more people would

      I've seen your Greek X... amazing blue it is

  5. Continuing on your "XEROTES" theme, Melody, is my entry on "XANTIPPE" in Western Australia.

    1. ;-) Like I said.... maybe to dry a place but still I would love to visit

  6. An interesting post that brings awarness to others.

  7. Xerotes was quite challenging for me, but I hope, I've managed. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

    1. I think that is for people who have to struggle with it....
      thank you wishing you the same.

      If I understand correctly ? Did you think you had to use Xerotes?
      'All' you have to do to participate is to make a blogpost about something that starts with the letter which turn it is.... so any other word starting with X would have been good.

      Indeed you have managed well with xerotes ;-)

    2. Ohhh.... Ok... But it was fun to find a picture featuring xerotes.

    3. ;-) It is not a problem at all ofcourse but I thought as much ;-)
      Thank you for the extra effort

  8. We go in and out of drought, the years less between lately. It's the nature of our agricultural area in California. I learned very young to conserve my water usage.
