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Monday 13 March 2017

20-J = Joop

 The challenging letter of this week is J and I've chosen for the name Joop 

This post is an introduction to all of you...
meet my husband, Johannes Wilhelmus Antonius, called in short: Joop
(This photo is taken on June 4th 2016, on Joops' 59th birthday)

We met on Sunday May 15th 1977 and became friends, part of a larger group with no couples in it at that time. Due to an accident on 28th of October 1979 I broke my back and landed in hospital for almost a year. He and (just) one other friend (who died 29th of december 2015 at the age of 58 due to cancer after her husband died in 2000 at the age of 54 due to cancer also. She left behind 4 young childeren, the youngest one was just 5 months old at the time her husband died) stayed at my side.

8th of June 1980 we became officially a couple. On the 25th of December 1980 we got engaged and on the 28th of April 1983 we started living together. On the 9th of December 1983 we got married. On the 10th of January 1985 we became parents of our daughter and she became a sister on 29th of November 1990 when her brother was born. On 13th of March 2013 we became grandparents.

We have survived lots of anguish which almost drove us apart but we wouldn't give in so we fought for our marriage, ourselves and our "significant other" and we succeeded!

Still going strong together and with full intent to keep it that way!

 Have a nice ABC-Wednesday-day / - week
 ~ ♫ M e l o d y ♫ (ABC-W-team)
(preview Round 21)


  1. Hello Melody, How nice to meet Joop. So glad to hear your fought for your marriage and it has survived. Blessings.

    1. Hi Ellen. I thought it was about time you all know who 'belongs' to me ;-)

      Yes, we are glad about that as well. One does not get married to quit when things get rough do we?
      Not judging others ofcourse who were not able to survive troubles but divorce was never an option for the both of us.

      Thank you ELlen, likewise.

  2. It's a pleasure meeting you, Joop. It really takes two to tango, and your testimonial of love, care and working with each other is proof. Blessings, my friend!

    1. Thank you Arnoldo... if one choses to start living together then one is obligated to make the best of it, isn't it.

      Blessings back to you.

  3. Hi, nice to meet Joop. It's always amazing to hear people spend together so many years, especially nowadays. Congratulations. I hope your and Joop's adventure together will last very long. God bless you and your family.

    1. :-) Thank you Klara. We hope that too. We won't give up ;-) Thank you.

  4. Nice to meet your other half, lol !

  5. Behind every good woman, must be a good man:)

  6. And may you have many more happy "JAREN" together, Melody!
    My "J" stands for a JACKAL and a JAGUAR in the JUNGLE
    Thanks for hosting.

    1. Thank you Nick, thats what we hope to.

      I will visit you shortly , thank you!!

  7. JOYOUS Union, Melody!
    "J" stands for JERSEY in my blog

  8. A Heart warming story you are meant to be a couple.

    1. Thank you LindyLou Mac, we believe so too

  9. I had Nora, still have, having a bipolar disorder as well but since giving up is never, has never been, an option... I've learned, still learning, to deal with whatever comes my way.

    Indeed we do that is why I thought to post it in this round... getting to know one and other better is a good thing, I think.

  10. Hello Joop! May you and Melody have wonderful music forever and ever.

  11. What a nice story of you and Joop. :)

  12. Hello Joop. Wishing you both many many Joyous years together.
