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Monday 31 October 2016

Happy Birthday to.....

Hi all members of our ABC-Wednesday-family.. 

Saaturday, october the 29th we may congratulate Shooting Parrots with his birthday.
Wishing him a wonderful birthday with lots more in the best of health and happiness!

If someone wants his/her date to be added to our Birthday-Calendar, just let me know!

♫ M e l d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

Tuesday 25 October 2016

P is for Pumpkin!

We are enjoying a great week of pumpkin fun - for the first time villages are coming together and working towards a full programme of activities. The banner above is displayed through all the villages.

Tomorrow we are having an exciting cookery session at our village hall - it is fully booked! The recipes sound fun!

I will be back to share!

Over on my blog more details are posted.
happy ABC Wednesday one and all!


Monday 17 October 2016

O is for October

I suppose I OUGHT to go with the OBVIOUS, O is for OCTOBER.

There are a lot of holidays, and holy days, this month.

OCTOBER 2 (evening), ending in the evening of OCTOBER 4 - Rosh Hashanah. Happy 5777 on the Jewish calendar

OCTOBER 10 - Thanksgiving (Canada). Columbus Day (US), which has been OFTEN supplanted by Indigenous Peoples Day, for reasons you can read about here

OCTOBER 11 (evening), ends in the evening of OCTOBER 12 - Yom Kippur

OCTOBER 24 - United Nations Day

OCTOBER 31 - Halloween, All Hallows Eve

And there are OTHERS.

I'd reviewed a book called Apocrypha Now, a slightly OFF-kilter book about the religious works that didn't find their way into the King James Version of the Bible, such as the Jewish midrash, the Catholic Douay books of the Apocrypha, and those New Testament gospels that did not make the cut.

ONE story was about God giving Moses the 10 commandments, then getting really annoyed by the golden calf worship thing and temporarily abandoning Israel. But ultimately God came around.

The nation of Israel was so overcome by God's forgiveness that everyone spent the day crying, and that got God crying, and soon everyone was just a big emotional mess.

"That was great," Moses said. "Really cathartic."

"You know what? Let's celebrate this day every year. We can call it 'Apology Day.' Everyone who deserves an apology gets one, and everyone who needs to apologize gets to," God suggested...

"I thought the climax of my relationship with the human race was going to be giving you the law," God said. "But it wasn't. It was forgiving you for breaking it."

Apology Day came to be known as Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar...

On the Ark [of the Covenant] they inscribed two of God's many names - Elohim: God the Powerful, and Adonai: God the Merciful.


Wednesday 12 October 2016

Happy Birthday to

Hi all members of our ABC-Wednesday-family.. 

Friday, october the 14th we may congratulate Amit with his birthday.
Wishing him a wonderful birthday with lots more in the best of health and happiness! 

If someone wants his/her date to be added to our Birthday-Calendar, just let me know!

♫ M e l d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

Monday 10 October 2016

N is for New Car

There is nothing nicer than taking delivery of a  New Car.

We've been driving Honda CRV's for the past nine years but, as needs change, I've been finding it increasingly more difficult to hoist myself  in and out of the car.

Recently husband had to part with his beloved 20-year-old BMW 5 series, it was sitting on the drive doing nothing, we really don't need two cars now,  thus, it failed it's MOT which meant spending a lot of money on it, plus the cost of insurance and road tax, it was a very expensive indulgence!

 (Below the beloved vintage, almost, BMW).

 'Parting is such sweet sorrow !

BMW Tourer 3ID

I knew he was missing his old car so we decided upon another BMW and here it is, (above) Oh! how we love it.  It has cream leather seats with heated front seats for passenger and driver.

 I can get in and out of it quite easily and the seats  are really comfortable.

Later on, in this month we are driving to Powys in mid-Wales to a lovely, ECO 

Lodge holiday cottage, in a pretty little village called St Harmon,

 Rhayader pictured below (Rhayader the oldest town in mid-Wales.)

  I don't doubt himself will, 'put the New car through its paces'.

 We will drive through some beautiful scenery, the area is called ;  

'The Lake District of Wales'.

The river Claerwan which runs through the town and  Elan Valley

The Elan Valley Dam.

The Chapel in the valley at Autumn, the time we shall be visiting,

 I'm so excited as we haven't had a holiday for some time now due to my on-going health issues and my husband 's too!

  We've both spent the past two years in and out of hospital clinics but now as all is settled, for the time being,  we hope to really enjoy this special time together, in the lovely autumnal scenery.

'Happy Anniversary My Darling'

 We will celebrate our 29th Wedding Anniversary, in a gorgeous Eco lodge near to the lovely scenes above. 

My thanks to Denise, a NATIONAL TREASURE who devised ABCW,  Roger the administrator who has NOBLY  worked tirelessly to keep ABCW running, along with the NOTABLE Leslie, and NOT  forgetting the NATTY  team of Abcw helpers.

Di, ABCW team.


Tuesday 4 October 2016

M is for Mum!

Bev our amazing hen in action with her month old chicks.
Bev recently lost her companion of 9 years, Mabel - she was lonely, so we sourced some fertile eggs and let her hatch them. Bev has always been a broody hen, an excellent mum.


We congratulate...

Hi all members of our ABC-Wednesday-family.. 

October 6th we may congratulate a birtday-girl and her name is Leslie.
Let us al wish her a wonderful new year and many more to come in the best of all one may wish for!

If someone wants his/her date to be added to our Birthday-Calendar, just let me know!

♫ M e l d y ♫ (abc-w-team)