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Monday 6 January 2014

Z is for ZENITH

It's the end of another round of ABC Wednesday. My, the time has just ZIPPED by.

I thank ZEUS - or the deity of your choice - for the great ZEST from our team this time through: Mehroo, who unfortunately could not stay too long; Carver, Gattina, Joyce, Kate, Linda, Pheno, and Wil, who kept y'all well visited with their ZIPPY comments; Troy, who not only wrote his semiannual intro, but designed the next (ZEN) logo, and the current one, and the one before that, and the one...; and, of course, Denise, the ZOETIC, who started the whole thing about 78 months ago.

Oh, yes, and I must especially thank Leslie, who has ZOOMED in to become my major domo. She ZEALOUSLY writes most of the polite letters informing folks that they need to mention ABC Wednesday on their posts, and should actually have a Z in the Z week post.

Of course, I must thank YOU for participating each week. Without you posting your pictures and poems and essays and observations, ABC Wednesday would be ZILCH, ZERO, an empty shell on the Internet, all ZONKED out.

I hope you come back next round, and invite your ZANY friends, to add some ZING to this enterprise!


  1. Wonderful way to end this last round. Time marches on to the next ABC round.

  2. Fantastic introduction Roger! What a guy! Yes I must be more zealous in Round 14!

  3. It's a pleasure and a privilege to be part of the team, Roger! You're a great leader, following in Denise's footsteps!

  4. Congratulations on the completion of another round!!!

  5. Splendid. Thank you all for the time you put into ABC Wednesday.

  6. Here's to the Zippty-doo-da job the ABCWednesday team does each and every week. And here's to our next round and our next year. May they both be full of joy, inspiration, news of great success and great health.

  7. Seems like you used just about every Z word in your post. :) An Arkie's Musings

  8. Great group of Z words and thank you Roger for all you do to keep ABC Wed. going.

  9. And its gonna begin again !! Yep the year just Zoomed by indeed.


  10. Hi Roger, please pass on my thanks to Denise and the rest of the crew (especially my friend Wil, whom I've now met twice) for another year of ABC Wednesday. Today's post took much longer than it should have, as I was fighting Blogger all the way. Or maybe it was the earth's atmosphere. But, considering there's only one photo in it I managed it in a mere few hours!
    I hope to see you again here in cyberspace (a world much different from the Netherlands, where we saw Wil).
    Happy-New-Year hugs to you,

  11. Zuper post! I'll be back! Debbie

  12. Thanks for a fine job well done to all of the ABC Wednesday team! Hopefully I will figure out a theme and be back next week!

  13. Nice post there and first timer for ABC Wednesday... It was awesome experience :) Cheers all

  14. Roger, that's a bunch of great 'z' words!

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