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Remember: if you participate with us, please link to and mention us in your post.

Monday, 13 July 2015

A is for Alpha

Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet - and, of course, the first syllables in the word "alphabet."

Alpha International, a Christian website, is likely so dubbed based on the New Testament scripture at Revelation 22:13, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End."

In the animal world, including humans, alpha signifies having the highest rank in a dominance hierarchy: the alpha female of an elephant pack, baboon alpha males, etc.

Alpha is also an investment term.

Since this is the alpha, or premiere, post of the round, I should reiterate the rules, but, basically they are:

* Write your blog post, mentioning (preferably linking to) ABC Wednesday, and being relevant to the letter of the week

* Link your blog post to the Linky thing circa Tuesday at 4 pm, Greenwich Time. Link to the specific post. So when I participate this week, I'll be linking (SPOILER ALERT) to, not just to (This is a concept I'd tried to explain before, and TOTALLY confused some participants, so I hope this is clearer.)

* VISIT other participants. In general, people are more likely to visit you if you visit them. Our ABC Wednesday team will visit you too.

ABC Wednesday 17A

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Great intro for the new round of ABC Roger! I'll be back tomorrow to join in!

  2. Great intro and explanation for the beginning of the new round. I'll be linking tomorrow morning!

  3. Haven't been around for awhile; good to be back. Your post reminds me that breakfast is next on my list!

  4. thanks for the refresher, looking forward to joining in ~ : )

  5. Nice intro Roger.... i'll be there in aproximately 90 minutes and ofcourse i will visit a few here and there ;-)

  6. Definitely the ALPHA male Roger after that most informative introduction!

    Best wishes,
    ABCW team.

  7. I almost chose to write about Revelation 22:13, since I missed the z post. It would have covered alpha and omega, hence a and z. I guess great minds think alike. LOL!

  8. in Borneo where I grew up, if you know your ABC, it means you are educated (In English)

  9. Great introduction, Roger.
    My "A" is for ANCIENT ATHENS, AGORA, ACROPOLIS, AEREIDES, APOLLO, ANDRONICUS... No shortage of Alpha words in Greek!

  10. Alpha stands for Aegean Sea.
    Thanks for hosting!

  11. I just had another Oh! moment. Alphabet. Got it. Only took me six decades. Better late than never.

  12. That's a wonderful beginning. Here's to another great round of ABC.

  13. Let the fun begin. Thanks for sharing and hosting.

  14. Thanks for sharing my blog ABC wednesday,
    Happy end week.from Mons city Belgium
