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Monday 5 October 2015

M is for Melody

Hello and good morning, -afternoon, -evening, dear people who participate is this wonderful photomeme, which is a joy to me, week after week, after week. Always curious to what everyone of you comes up with ;-)

This week's challenging letter is M.

Today I want to tell you about where M stands for with me. First of all, my (nick-)name of course, Being Melody. This name was given to me by a dear fellow musician who sadly enough, passed away many years ago already, but who I think of almost every day. 

Melody... not only a name but a musical term also. In the past I sang, I danced and I've made music and I loved it! Performing was my greatest passion, My health no longer allows that for many years now but visiting shows, watching, hearing and feeling it in every bone in my body makes me feel free and happy, truly free and happy.  I love it very much when i see someone performing with every inch of his body, putting his soul into every second of that performance. 

After some very, very difficult years I crawled up, took back the control over my life in my hands again and literally made the choice to embrace life and live it to the max. A couple of days after I made that decision I went to a tattoo shop in my hometown and got me this tattoo. I do not like tattoos with names  or other text  but this text says it all, to me. The two letters included are the first letters of the names of my two children, they are my most loved and precious 'possessions'.  

So to all of you...... Carpe Diem in the most beautiful way possible for each and everyone of you! 

♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ 


  1. What a marvelous and magnificent introduction to this week's ABCW!!!! Wishing you well, Melody!

    1. Thank you Leslie, for your sweet comment !!

  2. Great introduction - we can use it again for "I" - Inspiring!!! Have a great week and thanks to the entire ABCWednesday team for making this such a wonderful place to rest, visit, and seize the day!

  3. You are a true melodious lady! Thanks for this introduction. It is a lovely story about the tattoos.
    Wil, ABCW Team

    1. ;-) Thank you Wil... you're welcome ofcourse ;-)

  4. Interesting to read about your tattoo, I don't think I would be so brave.
    I can emphasise with you when illness etc can stop you doing the things you love most,
    I too have moved on to other gentle activities since an illness knocked me sideways!
    Maybe I should get that tattoo,
    I rather fancy a butterfly !
    Best wishes,
    ABCW team,

    1. Getting a tattoo is much less painfull then most people say!

      Life in general can be quit challenging... indeed... but like you, i never give up... because its worth it to go on.

      Yes maybe you should.... just travel overhere, i'll accompany you and hold your hand if needed ;-)

  5. Although the chances of me ever getting a tattoo are slim to none, I've always been fascinated by the stories behind those who wear them. As an artist, I also appreciate their beauty. I even chose to review a book about them on Amazon, and I loved it! Anyway, your story really touched me, because I've always believed that life is what we make of it. Here's a cyber toast to your choice to embrace life with all its blessings, as well as its downs, my friend!

    1. Your first line made me smile.... i always said the same ;-) I was 45 already when i got it....

      Thank you for your lovely comment, i take it in my heart and keep it there.

  6. I like your tattoo and what it means to you. (I got my first—and only!—tattoo when I was 50.)

    1. Thank you Alexa... i was 45 ... and it will be and stay my only one.

  7. Melody - such positive connotations associated with that name. Great post!

    1. Thank you Forgetfulone... nice to read that it reminds you of possitive things.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. It is never too late to start from scratch !

  9. As a musician, I can appreciate your Melody :-)
    My "M" stands for my home city: MELBOURNE!

    1. ;-) i thought as much

      Your entry for M is a great one to...

  10. Thanks for hosting!
    My "M" is for MOON

    1. Your welcome Nick!

      I visited you already, i loved it. thank you!

  11. Thanks for sharing your inspiring story, Melody. Shalom to you.

    1. You're welcome Dina, shalom to you too!

  12. I love your tattoo, Melody! Having 8 myself, I love the sentiment behind it. :-)

    1. Thank you Freda... i know ;-) .... i only have one and i don't think that will change... but one never knows do we....

  13. Melody is such a sweet and pretty name. Carpe Diem is one of my favourite phrases - but so often we fail to cease the day.

    1. I think so too Suzy... yes, mine as well... some days indeed are difficult, it seems even impossible, to cease them... but if one does, it releases a feeling in the soul of richness.

  14. That's a touching post. Thank you for sharing a bit of you with us.

    1. thank you Tulika for your nice comment.

      You're welcome ofcourse ;-)

  15. Love your name Melody! and that one lovely post :)
