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Monday 28 December 2015

Y is for Yuletide

Some folks get to December 26 and automatically stop listening to Christmas-related music. Of course, they may have been hearing it since late November, on US Thanksgiving, or even earlier. Whereas I don't even START until December 6, when and play it until Epiphany.

A dictionary definition of yuletide is the period extending from December 24 to January 6. Yule is a "a festival observed by the historical Germanic peoples, later undergoing Christianised reformulation resulting in the now better-known Christmastide."

Here's another description.

One Christmas song that use the word is Deck the Halls - "Troll the ancient Yuletime carol." What does that mean?!
"According to the OED, one of the meanings of 'troll,' in use since the 16th century, is 'to sing in a full, rolling voice; to chant merrily or jovially.'"

Another Yule reference is in The Christmas Song, perhaps better known as Chestnuts Roasting By An Open Fire: "Yuletide carols being sung by a choir."
You can hear and read about the song here.
This is a lovely story about co-writer Mel Torme.


  1. Music... in whatever form can be very comforting and that is what i wish for, especially in this time with all the sadness that arounds us.

  2. Yippee! Thanks for the clarification of yuletide and other words!

  3. Please note post #2, and the loss of our regular contributor Berowne.

  4. Oh no, we have lost Berowne? How sad. May his memory be a blessing. How good to leave behind so much writing.

  5. I'm still listening to christmas music! Enjoyed your post
    My post is autumnal, but I have to say our winter e=weather is very much like our autumn weather this year, just wetter.

  6. Happy Yuletide, indeed! And Happy New Year included, too!
    My "Y" today is for the YARRA River, here in Melbourne.

  7. January 6 has always been the last day of Christmas for us. :-)

  8. I had been working on Yuletide for a few days, like minds I guess.

  9. What a great Y word! I'm still listening to Christmas songs. Thank you for visiting my blog!

  10. Interesting info on Letter Y.

  11. Had no clue that Troll could have anything but the ugly meaning we associate it with.
