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Sunday 21 August 2011

The F word is.....


During these dog days of summer, a Fabulous old song came to mind that Filled me with memories of Frisky and Fun-Filled days that were Funky, Footloose, and unForgettable. I am referring to the Beach Boys' "Fun Fun Fun" from their 1964 album "Shut Down Volume 2." (To hear/watch the song, click on the red title above.)
The song was written by Brian Wilson and Mike Love about a teenager named Shirley England, who worked for her father, the owner of radio station KNAK in Salt Lake City, Utah. Apparently, one day Shirley borrowed her Dad's Ford Thunderbird to go to the library, but she ended up at a hamburger stand instead. As a result, her Dad took the car away from her. The next day, the Beach Boys happened to be visiting the radio station for an interview and overhead her complaining about it to the staff. The Beach Boys were inspired to write this song! One interesting Fact is that the Wilson brothers' Father thought the song was immoral and tried to keep the group from recording it. I am Frankly Flabbergasted and Freaked out that we may never have heard this Fun song!

So have FUN FUN FUN, everyone, for the rest of the summer. Be Festive, Fabulous, Flirty, and Fascinating! Tell us all about your Ferocious Felines, your Fashion sense, your Flights of Fancy or even about your latest Flight to wherever. We're not Fussy. We want to hear all about the Frenzied tomFoolery at your last Festive Event.

Thanks to our hostess Denise Nesbitt and her Fabulous and Faithful Flock for their Fearless and Feisty assistance in Facilitating this weekly Fun. This has become more than a Fad since we're into the 5th year of ABCW and it has spread to many countries around the world. Tell your Friends to check us out at this website and encourage them to join in the Fun!


  1. If I stop faffing, I'll get a post done.
    Jane x

  2. Nice photo, cute dog in the bathtub.

  3. I love the Beachboys and their music it is fun filled -fantastic and fabulous - great blog - your header pic of the dogs is great - have a good week - Jane x

  4. Hi Leslie, what a fabulous and funny post! Mine is about food and Fagin from Oliver Twist.

  5. Murry Wilson was a real stick-in-the-mud, from everything I ever read.

  6. If you can't get to Fun Fun Fun from the above link (I can't; it's being blocked in the US), try this one or this live version.

  7. It sure was Fun to read


  8. The cleanest F word of the day! As hot as it is here in Texas I might just jump in with them!

  9. What fun for the F day. I enjoyed this post so much and I love the shot of the dogs in the pool.

  10. It was FUN reading the history of the FUN FUN FUN song today. Thanks Roger for the link to the song. It was FUN listening to it again today.

  11. This week's letter is so much fun. Love the FOTO!

  12. I chose this photo as a nod to Denise as she has German Shepherds!

  13. This is NOT an F for Fail! Fantastic intro to F at ABC Wed!

  14. Wow leslie - I LOVED the german shepherd photo - just wondering what the evil Elsie would be like? Well when you meet her you can tell us what you think! Thanks so much for the nod! xxxx

  15. A familiar song - fascinating to read how it came about :)

  16. Leslie, thank you for the favor of your fun, fun, fun intro!

  17. Great work, Leslie. A really fun song!
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  18. I love that Fun, Fun, Fun song!

  19. I'm in this week! Whee!

    Thanks for posting the new-to-me info about that song.

  20. Love the photo of the German Shepherds in the pool!

  21. what do you do in winter, make an electric blanket tent?

  22. Love the trio of dogs to kick off "F" week with FUN!

  23. FANTASTIC post and FUZZY dogs!

  24. FABULOUS and fery funny;o)
    Fanks for faring;o)

    ¤ Have a fine F day ¤

  25. ABC Wed is great FUN Thanks!

  26. Fabulous blog and bloggers! :)

  27. You mean the song is a true story? wow!

  28. Always enjoyed the Beach Boys music.

    Happy Wednesday everyone!

  29. Had fun creating...enjoyed the Beach Boys facts..:)

  30. Oh! bummer I couldn't get the video to come up.

    Great Post! and I love the shot!

  31. Thanks very much for the comments left on my blog Amish Stories. And please be safe out there with Irene coming into our area. Richard from Amish Stories.

  32. abc wed is great fun, and thanks for the music :)
