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Monday 18 May 2015

S Stands for Stuff

I don't write as many intros as the rest of the team members, so you would think that, having more time to work on them, mine would always be Superb. But alas, Such is Seldom the case. So, let's See... Among my favorite "S" words are Sarcasm, and Sloth, neither of which lends themselves to a Suitable Script. Fortunately for me, I have a Stand-by Subject. The Symbol, or Sign that we use each round has been a pet project of mine for Several rounds now, the rest of the team has indulged me and let me play, and I have always had fun designing them. And since Seventeen starts with S, this is a good time to talk about next round. Secular Symbolism for Seventeen is Scant, So I did as I often do, I let my mind wander aimlessly to see what popped up. I have no particular Symbolism for this one, but it was just kind of what appeared when I let my mind drift and started computer doodling. Spooky, huh? So with no further ado, I would like to give you a Sneak Peek at the proposed Round 17 Logo.
As always Feedback is appreciated. Now its time for you to Show us what happens when you let your mind wander around the letter "S".


  1. I'm no Socrates so I have no deep thoughts to share. Thank you for your part in ABC Wednesday and for your logo work!

  2. Troy you are a Star! A Super Star!
    Wil, ABCW

  3. I Say that you have quite a wondrous imagination coming up with So many logos for this Site! Although, I'm a visual learner, my Strength lies in words, rather than picturing things like you do. Keep up the good work, Troy. We appreciate you and the rest of the ABC team.
    Sorry for no recent contributions; I've been recuperating from Shoulder Surgery.

  4. Nicely done...Liking the sneak peak♪

  5. It is a long time since I was last here, hope to be more of a regular in the next round.

  6. Splendiferous intro! Thanks for hosting.
    My "S" is for SUNSHINE!

  7. Smashing, super, splendiferous!
    My "S" is for SUNSET!

  8. Great S words! Just to let you know I will not be posting for the letter S this time around, we are having company over and I been busy getting things set up, will make up for what I had missed next week the S with the T.

  9. kids like to use the word, "stuff"
    What are you doing?"
    What stuff?"
    "school stuff."
