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Saturday 9 July 2016

A is for an ANALYSIS of

As ADMINISTRATOR for ABC Wednesday, I thought I'd ASSUME the role of your ADVISER through the ANTIQUITY of this ACCULTURALATION.
One Mrs. Nesbitt, of jolly AULD ALBION, thought it would be an AMUSEMENT to start a blog which required our AUDIENCE to come up with a blog post each week, going through the ALPHABET. She did it ALL - writing the introductions, and of course, visiting ALL the participants. She even designed the first badge I could find.

Over time, she found ASSOCIATED folks to AID her do the visits. I joined the ACTION in Round 5, K is for Keating 5, a most political post in a largely APOLITICAL group. Soon thereafter, Mrs. Nesbitt ASKED for more ALLIES and I ANSWERED the call.

Starting with Round 7 through Round 18, Troy ALLOYED the badges you see at the top of the page. Gattina created the one for Round 19, but I'm ASSUMING Troy will return for Round 20.

Near the end of Round 10, blog disaster struck. ALL the team had been issued ADMINISTRATOR rights. Someone - I do not know who - whether by ACCIDENT (highly unlikely) or by design, decertified everyone as administrators. Mrs. Nesbitt was no longer in control of her own blog. The old blog was subsequently deleted by that person, but if you go to the Wayback Machine, and put in the URL for December 11, 2010 or earlier.

Shortly thereafter, I became the chief administrator, and one of only two people, along with Mrs. Nesbitt, who could ADAPT other people's posts, and ADD the link that ALLOWS you to participate in ABC Wednesday each week.

Eventually, though, I needed to APPEAL for some backup. But who? As it happened, Mrs. Nesbitt had ACCEPTED a visit from Leslie, who lives in British Columbia, Canada. Eventually, we added her as the ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR.

In the final ANALYSIS, we (Denise, Leslie and I) have decided to let ABC Wednesday run its course, and will let it end with Round 20. But that will be a year from now.

Meanwhile, please AUGMENT our ranks each week. We are looking for people to visit others for the next two rounds. If you want, you can also write introductions, like this one.

AND if someone wants to ASSUME responsibility of ABC Wednesday ABOUT a year from now, I will ASSIST you in doing so. Contact me AT RogerOGreen (AT) GMAIL (DOT) COM.



  1. Thank you Roger. For being such a good administrator! Sorry that I am not very active at the moment. Due to the fact that I am waiting for new kitchen cupboards.

  2. I like this new picture. Fun. I hope I can join and follow through letter Z. Lazy me. Carin

  3. I'm gonna be so sad a year from now....

    1. Let's hope that won't be neccessary ;-)

  4. I like accurate & amazing, Roger. Appreciate the great "a" words you have used :)

  5. I am AMAZED by this ARTICULATE post. I wish you AN AWESOME Monday :)

  6. you've got mail dear sir!

  7. Thank you Roger for sticking with this Awesome blog posting. I do appreciate everything that the Administration has done for the last 9 years.
    It will be a major accomplishment if I can post for this last year.
    I was in it from the beginning and will give it a go to say I finished ten years worth of postings.

    1. If I may add,,,

      I hope that this prompt will continue and not stop after round 20... and that you still will be a participant.

  8. Thank you Roger and team for your work each week to keep ABC going.

  9. Thank you ALL for all the work that goes, and has gone, into ABC Wednesday for all these years.
    Hard to believe that it may end in a year, but all good things must come to an end, they say.

  10. Thank you for the account of the ABC history - I think it was about round 3 when we created a blog that all could add their posts to but it got a bit too fiddly if my recollection is correct. In recent years I haven't felt able to contribute too regularly - people seem to be more into Facebook these days and don't understand blogging - I find I do prefer to post to blogs and then send links to FB rather than posting stuff direct to FB.

    1. Gerald. What does "fiddly" mean? That was before my time.

    2. fiddly? - a bit too much extra work - we had a blog abcwednesdayround3 dot blog.. (still there but all posts deleted so avoid visiting) and we posted a part post and/or link there in addition to posting to our own blogs - it worked well for most people but some found it difficult or didn't understand it.

  11. I guess we're going to have to take it a day at a time, since a year's time will be over before we know it. I've only been participating for about two years, but feel I've gotten to know you well through your weekly posts. I would love to help take over in a year, but it depends on where my professional life is at that time. Blessings!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Hey Roger!
    Am glad to be here again after a long gap. Thank you:)

  14. The emotions and dedication form the soul of this post. Although I could never reach 'Z' in both my attempts but this part of blogosphere is special. Thanks to the trio who manage ABC-W. :)

  15. Hope it's a labor of love for you. (I started with the letter M back in 2009 and don't think I've missed one since.)

  16. It was so interesting to read the history of ABC Wed. and saddened to learn that you will bring it to an end. I try to have a theme every round and am already part of the city daily photo community. Running the alphabet helps me see the city in a new way, streets, neighborhoods, people, etc. This round, I will search for a photo with the given letter of the alphabet in it. We'll see how that goes. I am infinitely grateful for the efforts of the administrator. Thank you!

    Greensboro (NC, USA) Daily Photo

  17. Assuring to ascertain that another round of ABC Wednesday has appeared this week, Roger! Well done!
    My "A" stand for ACROPOLIS, ATHENS

  18. Close to ATHENS is the Island of AEGINA, on which one may see the ruins of the famous temple of ATHENA APHAEA

  19. Thank you, Roger, Di, and everyone else involved in keeping ABC Wednesday going. It has kept me focused at least one day out of the week for the past several months.
