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Tuesday 10 September 2013

I is for..........The Incredibles!

The Incredibles is a world wide group of super humans directed by Roger Green released by Blogger and the thirteenth edition created by Denise Nesbitt.

The story follows a family of superheroes named Roger, Denise, Leslie, Rose, Linda, Carver, Gattina, Nathalie, Troy, Joy, Pheno, Wil, and Kate living in a quiet world of blogger, displaying their powers as the ABC Team

Follow their actions each week in the Block Busting Movie better known as ABC Wednesday.

Whatever you throw at them, be it a picture, poem, thought, song or video they will zap back to you and boldly continue on their mission – to bring good people of the world together for fun, frivolity, fact and fiction.

All aboard......we're off!


  1. One of the most fabulous parties in the blogosphere! Great group!

  2. My post is about Incredible too but its nature :)


  3. OOH I'm looking forward to these posts. LOVE the Incredibles!!!

  4. Hey Ho! Let's Go! We're the "Incredibles" all right! Great intro, Denise.

  5. I'll be there soon -- after dentist visit. You are just about the most creative person I know, Denise.

  6. such a magical introduction to ABC Wednesday! incredible!

  7. such a magical introduction to ABC Wednesday! incredible!

  8. What an incredible opener! Love it!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Thank you very much to the Incredibles. Longue vie à eux !

  12. regarding the photo I shared this week, yes it is my work. I live on a very tiny island which is connected to the mainland by a 2 mile causeway. This is a sunrise shot of the beach across the street. I think that answers you Mrs. Nesbit.

  13. The linky seems to have disappeared! I posted on Stockport Daily Photo last night and now I've just posted on Hyde DP and the link has gone!

  14. It's back now although it took a couple of attempts to get it to work.

  15. My girls used to love to watch their video of the Incredibles when they were little, and I often joined them too. Blessings!
