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Monday 23 April 2012

O is for...

Map of Canada, ONTARIO is yellow.


OKIE dokie, This week we are celebrating O, which is perfectly OKAY with me as this is the perfect OCCASION to tell you all a little bit about my home province, ONTARIO. (Click on the above map if you want to see it better.)

ONTARIO is a big place, covering more than a million square kilometres (that's 415,000 square miles), which is more than the area of Spain and France combined. Approximately one-third of all Canadians live in the the southern quarter of ONTARIO, which includes Canada's largest city (Toronto) and Canada's capital (Ottawa). ONTARIO'S north is sparsely populated.

Ontario, I live in the grey area north of Toronto

Although ONTARIO is quite a distance away from either the Atlantic or Pacific OCEANS. it's still a watery place. See those five huge lakes, the Great Lakes? They are big enough to be inland, fresh-water seas. Lake ONTARIO is the smallest of the Great Lakes, and it is still very large.

With all that water (and thousands of smaller lakes besides), ONTARIO tends to be a humid place. Most of our weather crosses water before it reaches us, picking up moisture as it comes. From the north it crosses Hudson Bay, and from the west and south, the Great Lakes. That usually means lots of snow in winter,  rain in summer, and many cloudy skies year round. Oh how I enjoy a clear blue sky when we have one! But cloudy skies do create beautiful sunsets, and I do love those too.

Well, there you have it - a mini geography lesson about ONTARIO. I look forward to reading your entries about the letter O.

EG CameraGirl

Tuesday 17 April 2012

N is for a Novel Letter

N  is one of those nail biter letters that says no and never, not now and nothing.
 Nevertheless all is not negative nor nihilistic.
Where else but with N can you can find a

 Never Never Land

 where you can nibble on nachos and wait for the Loch Ness monster Nessie.

Where else but with an N can you eat noodles,

ride narwhals 

and pick nasturtiums?

Not likely any other letter prides itself on neolatry.


Tuesday 10 April 2012

M is for Me me me!

M is for meme - MY MEME! 5 years ago I had the idea of ABC Wednesday and here we are today still enjoying the MAGIC and MYSTERY of such a MEME! I must admit, were it not for the team who help me with such a MAMMOTH MISSION I fear this meme would have not survived - but thanks to a determined, dedicated team and a group of talanted bloggers (reading this introduction right now) ABC Wednesday lives on!

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And here are my questions and answers.....enjoy!

- What utterly impractical or useless skill do you possess that most people do not?

I can only whistle when I breathe in….so a decent tune would leave me without breath, possibly dead! I won’t experiment!

- If someone were to play you in the movie of your life, which actor would that be? At least 6 actors, as baby, toddler, little girl, teenager, woman and grandma!

A baby – would have to be Miss Pears, a toddler – any actor from any one of the many advertisements showing a perfectly behaved toddler! A little girl – a young Queen Elizabeth II I would think. A woman – Princess Diana. Grandma? Mary Pippins!

- What piece of music do you most identify with? Perhaps, it's your theme song.

"Life is a Cabaret"

- What food would you most like to have if nutrition and calories were not an issue?

 As we are near to the best fish and chip shops in the world (Whitby) it would have to be fish and chips, mushy peas, and bread and butter – lots!

- What is your most favourite sound

: the rustling of bank notes – the more the better (thanks for this Gattina) the sound of a bottle of champagne cracking open!

- And least favourite sound? The morning alarm. This in itself doesn’t bother me but I KNOW the 7 o’clock news bulletin will follow immediately and hubby will start the day with a running commentary of what is wrong with the world and what should be done about it. Needless to say we miss the news as the first headline usually gets him going and his outburst will last the entire duration of the programme…..

- Top 3 people (dead or alive) would you invite to dinner? What would the main course be?

3 people to invite for dinner – now that’s a difficult one. A chef – Hugh Fernley-Whitingstall is one of our favourites, so it would be great for him to do the cooking. The late Tommy Cooper would be great for entertainment To clear away and wash -up my adoreable nephews! Such choices would ensure a good evening. My close friends and family would be the guests and main course would be a good Roast dinner – with lots of veg!

Tuesday 3 April 2012


Today it's my turn for the ABC Wednesday introduction

Instead copying letters starting with L which you can easily find with Mr. Google's help, I rather answer the questionary from our lovely Lady Denise :

- What utterly impractical or useless skill do you possess that most people do not ? I can fold my thumb until my wrist !

- If someone were to play you in the movie of your life, which actor would that be ? at least 6 actors, as baby, toddler, little girl, teenager, woman and grandma ! Who could do that ?? Any suggestions ?

- What piece of music do you most identify with? Perhaps, it's your theme song. "The show must go on" !

- What food would you most like to have if nutrition and calories were not an issue ? No problem with calories, I love mussels.

- What is your most favorite sound : the rustling of bank notes,

- and least favorite sound ? The sound when I step on the tail of my cat

- Top 3 people (dead or alive) would you invite to dinner? What would the main course be ? I only would invite dead people they don't eat anymore.

Have fun with the letter L