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Tuesday 26 February 2013

G is for GRRRRR

We have a new little bundle of, yeah...a puppy!  Her official name is "Rhossili Breeze" after the most gorgeous spot we've seen on the southwest coast of Wales (Rhossili) and the fact that it was quite breezy when we were there.  Her pet name is "Tegan" which is Welsh for beautiful, darling, pet.  Born on November 24, she is still in that gawky stage where her legs and feet get all tangled up when she plays.  It has been so long since I've had a puppy that I'd forgotten how grueling it is to have to be up at the crack of dawn and stay up to make sure she doesn't get into everything.  Oh okay, we do gush over her, giggle as she galivants around, and grin when she gyrates trying to catch her tail.  However, I admit that I gnash my teeth at her constant in-and-out, gasp at her gaseous poofs, and grumble that I'm not getting enough sleep.  But then I see her innate gentle yet gregarious nature, her giddy glee at being with us, and her golden glamour.  Overall, we are like gleaming new parents grooving with gratification that she has made "two" a family of "three."  I mean how could you resist this?
 Hopefully, this little dog won't grow to be a giant and will become a bit more genteel as she ages. And please forgive my gushing and gurgling over my gorgeous little goober.

Monday 18 February 2013

Fly In

This FLYER is advertising FLYERS, one word many meanings. FANCY a spin with the FURNESS FUTURE FLYERS?   FIRST you must be between 6 and 16. Is that a pass or a FAIL? Count me out by a long way but the FACT is the FIRST thought I had was the alliteration might FACILITATE an ABC post at some time.  Does this mean I'm hooked on the meme FAIR-and-square, yes, are you too?

So on this FINE FEBRUARY day take to the FIELD FAST AND FURIOUS and link up, or perhaps as the Latin motto says FESTINA LENTE (make haste slowly).

Sign up and enjoy the FUN

By signing up to ABC Wednesday you acknowledge that you have red the rules and agree to FOLLOW them.  

Sunday 10 February 2013

Introducing E

Introducing the letter "E"! How can I bst introduc  this lttr? Wll by laving it out. Thn you will discovr
how important this vowl is and how oftn it is usd.
Thr ar languags in th world whr all vowls ar lft out. I hat to think of it. Imagin if this littl introduction was writtn with only consonants!!!! It would look lik this:

  ntrdcng th lttr! Hw cn  bst ntrdc ths lttr?Wll b lvng t t.Thn y wll dscvr hw mprtnt ths vwl s nd hw ftn t s sd......tctr, tctr.

Plas ntr your nam and url and all that is rqustd! Hav fun!
Thanks to Mrs Nsbitt and Rogr.

Your bloggr frind

Tuesday 5 February 2013

D is for something different!

Whilst we are all from different counties, states, countries and indeed continents, one thing we all do is enjoy our food.......
so Denise is asking you.....what do YOU like with a cup of tea or morning coffee?

Above you see my ultimate treat. A Danish pastry. Apricot with a hidden vanilla cream....pure DENOMIC DELIGHT!

So.......come on share yours.