free counters We welcome newcomers!

Remember: if you participate with us, please link to and mention us in your post.

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Come One, Come All

This week we celebrate the letter C.  

Children learn that C is for Cat or Cucumber or Cauliflower or Corn or Cake or Caterpillar, etc.

But I would like to take this opportunity to say "Come One, Come All" to ABC Wednesday!  We have already welcomed a few new participants during the first two weeks of Round 14 and we invite everyone - regulars, occasional, or new - to ask your friends to join in.  I've made so many new friends here in the - oh my gosh, have I really been doing this for over 6 years?  Time flies when you're having fun, so they say.  Even if you can't post one week because you're on holidays or you're sick or you forget, jump in and post whenever you can.  The more the merrier!  And don't forget to check that your link works after you submit your post.  Go on the home page of ABCW and click on your link and it should come up.  If it doesn't, try again.

Anyway, "Come one, come all" is a old English idiom.  It would be included in a posting for some event, maybe a play somewhere. Three hundred years ago, travel was a real effort and this was a guarantee that even if you were the only one who came to the event, it would go on and your travel effort would not have been in vain.  So come on everyone!  Come one, come all, ABC Wednesday will go on.  And here is your personal golden ticket to the colossal event!


Monday 20 January 2014

B is for Berries

Bouncing Bending boughs branches buoyant brilliant beautiful berries.
The berries I brought you today in the shot above are from about a year ago. You can bank on lots of B words if you link up and visit bunches of B participants.


Sunday 12 January 2014

A is for Apple

A is for APPLE. Isn't that the usual ASSIGNMENT when learning the ALPHABET? So I thought, since we've gotten back to the beginning of ABC Wednesday - for the 14th ATTEMPT! - that I'd share our CORE values (core, apple...)

ANYWAY, this AMAZINGLY clever-in-its-simplicity meme that Denise Nesbitt created some six and a half years AGO was started so that people might ACQUAINT themselves with others.

One writes something beginning with - for this week - the letter A, such as A is for APPLE. Next week will be B, and the following week? I trust you know your ABCs. It can be a picture or poem or ARTICLE. See what other people have ADDED. The post must ALLUDE to ABCW, preferably with a link and/or use of the badge ABOVE.

You take that completed post and link it to our linky thing on Tuesdays AROUND 16:00 in the UK, which is ALREADY Wednesday in parts of the world. You'll need only the URL of the specific post, your blog name (or in ALTERNATIVE, the topic of the post) AND your e-mail, and you should get an ABUNDANCE of visitors, particularly if you too visit five to ten ADVENTURERS.

If you have ANY questions, or if you would like to AUGMENT our team that visits sites and writes these intros, you should contact me, Roger Green, who is the current ADMINISTRATOR of the site. My e-mail ADDRESS is RogerOGreen (at) gmail (dot) com.

Monday 6 January 2014

Z is for ZENITH

It's the end of another round of ABC Wednesday. My, the time has just ZIPPED by.

I thank ZEUS - or the deity of your choice - for the great ZEST from our team this time through: Mehroo, who unfortunately could not stay too long; Carver, Gattina, Joyce, Kate, Linda, Pheno, and Wil, who kept y'all well visited with their ZIPPY comments; Troy, who not only wrote his semiannual intro, but designed the next (ZEN) logo, and the current one, and the one before that, and the one...; and, of course, Denise, the ZOETIC, who started the whole thing about 78 months ago.

Oh, yes, and I must especially thank Leslie, who has ZOOMED in to become my major domo. She ZEALOUSLY writes most of the polite letters informing folks that they need to mention ABC Wednesday on their posts, and should actually have a Z in the Z week post.

Of course, I must thank YOU for participating each week. Without you posting your pictures and poems and essays and observations, ABC Wednesday would be ZILCH, ZERO, an empty shell on the Internet, all ZONKED out.

I hope you come back next round, and invite your ZANY friends, to add some ZING to this enterprise!