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Monday 24 December 2012

X is for eXuding eXcitement!

When it comes to the letter X, we need to eXplain, ABCW is not an eXacting bunch. We eXpect that finding eXact X words is eXtremely difficult, because so few eXist.

So we have long been willing to make an eXception this week - anything that starts with the X sound, or have the X look, would be eXcellent. We won't eXclude you, because we don't want to tamp down your eXuberance, or make you so eXhausted that you run for the eXits, uttering an eXpletive! We want you to eXcel, and stay on this eXcursion! Please eXamine previous X weeks to see how this works.

Oh, I'm also eXcited by Troy's new logo:

He wrote:

"I tried to be inspired by the number 12, and clocks and calendars came to mind, so I used them as my background.

"I added a couple of 12 segmented stars, just for color  and threw the number 12 into the middle of the ABC Wednesday title."

I think Troy is eXtraordinary!
For those who celebrate it, Merry Xmas, which, as I have noted, eXperts have said eXemplifies the word Christmas!


  1. Very nice logo! Merry Christmas everyone!

  2. Oh I love the new Logo. Very colorful and bright. Perfect for a new Year. Good going Troy!

  3. eXcelent!! great new logo. Happy Holidays everyone!

  4. WOW...the meme's up early! Wishing all of you a very happy holiday and for the first time I actually have a word that begins with "X"! (Probably the only time so I'm reveling in it). A great holiday and great week to you all!

  5. Back on track again. What a beautiful logo design, Troy! Thank you.

    And an immense thank you to the ABC Weds team!.You guys are awesome! Have a very Merry Xmas!

  6. The new logo is Xtremely lovely.. Merry Christmas and a happy new year folks


  7. Merry Xmas to all the Xtian blog friends! Shalom from the Holy Land.

  8. Merry Christmas to everyone! Great introduction for X and I like the new logo so much. I did X with W last week with is my eXcuse for not doing a post today.

  9. Ordinary Words....MerryHappyChristmasHoliday♥ Love the new logo♫

  10. Happy Holidays to all ~ Love the new logo ~ very creative ~ ^_^

    (A Creative Harbor aka artmusedog and Carol ^_^)

  11. love your logo! I remember that commercial with fondness. It would cause me to tear up with its endearing quality.

  12. Love the logo...very creative.

  13. We posted kind of late this evening. Hope you have a chance to stop by. We love ABC Wed. You have such involved participants!!!

  14. Well. thank you! That is eXtremely good to hear. Next round, I will keep that in mind :) Merry (late) Xmas to you and yours! Thank you for keeping this eXcellent meme running so successfully!
