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Monday 9 May 2016

R is for RUSH

Hi everyone and welcome to R week here at ABC Wednesday!  Here it is the eve of R week, and poor Roger had to message me to remind me I'm up for the intro this week.  Yikes!  So sorry to Roger for making him feel restless about whether or not his right-hand gal is going to ruin the week! So here I am rushing to figure out what to write about....oh rightRushing!!! 

I had a really busy week last week and when I checked my calendar on the weekend, it looked like it'd be an easier week coming up.  But...wouldn't you know it!  The calendar is filling up - resplendent with appointments not only with students, but also with my lawyer, massage therapist, and hairdresser.  To top it off, my student didn't even show up today after I'd centered my entire day around her time!  Grrr...

Well, I guess we all have these weeks, but I would like to remind everyone that even if it's a busy time, we need to be ready and resolute in doing our ABC Wednesday blog.  Everyone looks forward to everyone else's contribution and we wouldn't want to be the cause of ruining someone's week! I know that I read almost all of the contributions every week, but do look forward to certain people's revelations

So to make the introductory page a bit more ravishing and radiant, here are a few shots of the rhododendrons that are currently in bloom in the gardens here where I reside.
We even have roses starting to bud and bloom! These pretty pink ones are just outside my patio.
Have a radical week, everyone!  Who's up for S???  Ah, yes, it's Wil and apparently she's already done me a another moment of remorse!  Must run and get on to do my own post, now!


  1. Leslie, although you are in a rush I really rejoice in your introduction. I have a post ready for R but will not be able to link up till I get back from Abbotsford tomorrow night. I'll be on the road early before the 8 a.m. link up and then I won't be back till later in the evening. Hope you have a more relaxed week now that your intro is done!!

  2. I am waiting for my roses to bud and bloom. But my peaches and cherry trees did already and it made me happy! Thanks for hosting!

  3. Oops..... well i think you shouldn't feel all to bad about beeing late with your intro, i can't imagine a 'cross' Roger ;-)

    You've overwhelmed us with a lot of R's and indeed you are right about most of them.

    But hey...we all, every now and then, we get overrun by time, and its shortness sometimes... we are humans and obligated to make 'mistakes' ;-)

  4. Love the last capture - I've a "thing for buds:)

  5. We are rushing & raring to go!
    You have a radical week too :)

  6. I do not know where the first 10 days of May went. Thanks Leslie for at least making me feel better about all the rushing around here and that it happens to us all sometimes!

  7. Your flowers are resplendent! Now you can stop rushing and stop to smell the roses. :~}

  8. Roaring good! Thanks for hosting.
    My "R" is for "ROME"

  9. And my "R" also stands for REFLECTIONS

  10. Gorgeous flowers. The Mama's roses have all bloomed. Hopefully, more will pop up in a month or so.

  11. It is extremely frustrating to center your time around someone to fit them into your schedule, and then being no-showed. I am sorry to hear about your hectic schedule, but glad you are taking the time to slow down to smell the flowers... and take their pictures. Peace, my friend!

  12. excellent.

  13. excellent.
