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Monday 6 February 2017

E if for EXIT and ENTRANCE

You probably hadn't heard about this, but in the United States, one President (44) EXITED the White House after eight years, while another (45) ENTERED in January 2017.

In 2016, in the United Kingdom, which agreed to EXIT (or Brexit, if you will) the European Union, one Prime Minister EXITED #10 Downing Street after a little more than six years, while another, UK's second woman PM, ENTERED it.

In fact, if you look at this April 2016 picture of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande, US President Barack Obama, Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and British Prime Minister David Cameron, taken at the G20 summit, you'll note that only one of them, Merkel, is still in power.

And so it goes in our personal lives, with people ENTERING and EXITING. I've noticed, though, that social media, has allowed me to stay in touch with some people who have moved away with whom I might otherwise have lost touch. AND I have "met" people online that I've never seen in person at all, including on this blog.

I had written last year of ABC Wednesday EXITING the scene. But then Melody ENTERED the picture and decided to sustain it. So as we have ENTERED the 20th round, know that discussions of our EXIT are apparently premature.



  1. EXCELLENT and timely introductory post today, Roger!

  2. Wonderful intro Roger!

    With your and others help...we will keep ABC rolling

  3. I wondered you wrote that piece ...of course, it couldn't be anyone else but you! Will really miss your witty comments, Roger. Will you remain in blog land, at least?

    1. Well, if Melody will take me, I'll still be participating in Melody's ABCW. And I've been blogging for nearly 12 years, so I wasn't planning on stopping.

    2. Don't you worrie Jeannette.... I've already begged Roger to stay on and Thank God he sais "yes!"


    english is my current passion.

  5. I'm so excited about Melody's "Entrance" into managing the site!

  6. BTW The French François Hollande is still in !

  7. And "Entry" in Greek is Είσοδος (Eisodos), while "Exit" is Έξοδος (Exodos) - just in case we need to talk about GREXIT soon...
    My ENTRY is all about the ELEPHANT in ECUADOR, who ENTERED a room! Let's talk about him.

  8. Another "E" for ELSINORE.
    Thanks for hosting.

  9. I can hardly wait for #45 to exit.
