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Tuesday 5 July 2011

ABC Wednesday - needs YOU!

ABC Wednesday Team - needs YOU!
Are YOU aboard for another round?
Are YOU interested in being a member of the ABC Team?
Are YOU wondering what that involves?
Well we can tell YOU - it just requires time to visit a few participants and to write an introduction on a couple of occasions?
Are YOU interested?
Can YOU say YES?


  1. I frequently see a picture of uncle Sam,

  2. how can I say no? that man SCARES me!

  3. A wonderful parody of our own Uncle Sam!

  4. I am in.. Let me know how I can help and the process of registering

    Pheno Menon

  5. I am in, if YOU will keep me...... :)

  6. Fun one for Y. He reminds me of Stalin.

  7. I remember this photo from the war. This was the British king George V, the grandfather of Queen Elisabeth II, in WW I.

  8. I am so glad to see there will be another round of ABC again! I am looking forward at getting back to it again, it has been a long haul with my lost of my mother but now I am up and back at rip and roaring to go and this time for the "Whole Round" So please count me in! :)

  9. Okay! Okay! I promise to continue to be part of ABCW!!! LOL

  10. Isn't it a picture of Lord Kitchener..?

  11. I continue, just tell me when I have to write the introduction. And cut this beard or mustache, I don't like them, lol !

  12. Hope to be in for another round :)

  13. This was a famous general in WW1. I think his name was Kitchener, but I'm not sure. He certainly looks determined, as, I gather, are you!

  14. Yes, I must obey!
    Looking forward to seeing all of the Y's!

  15. I am sorry to say no to being able to help with this round but I promise to keep playing & visiting & I thank all of you who are volunteering.
    Thank you!!!!!

  16. Yes to another round!

    Many thanks to all who work to keep our ABC going!!

    Have a good week mu friends

  17. I really wish I could. Currently I am running four photo memes and obviously I am not very good because NO ONE EVER PLAYS. Wahhhh

  18. The Djugashvilli look-alike is pointing his bolshevik finger at us...:)

  19. I love ABC Wednesday, although I agree with Roger, that man in the header scares me.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  20. Yes! Yes!.... another round indeed!

  21. Yikes! One more letter.
    Thanks for hosting.
    I am truly stumped for next week's Z.

  22. Hello everyone.
    This is my first time here...looks likes a lot of fun.
